Why do tigers always hunt and eat their prey raw?
Because they don’t know how to cook it.
Q: What do tigers and computers have in common?
A: They both have mega bites.
What happened when the tiger ate the comedian?
He felt funny!
What does a tiger say to his friends before eating a meal? "Let us prey!"
Q: Why did the tiger eat the lamp?
A: He wanted a light lunch.
What do tigers sing at Christmas?
Jungle bells! Jungle bells!
What animal can go into a tiger’s den and came out alive?
The tiger.
Q: What’s a tiger’s favorite color?
A: Roar-range.
Why did the tiger visit the eye specialist after dropping a can of red paint on himself? He saw red.
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a mammoth’s tusk?
A sabre-toothed tiger.
My grandfather had the heart of a tiger
And a lifetime ban at the zoo
How do you know a flmaingo has stolen your shoes?
Only one shoe is missing.
Q: How does a tiger move a boat?
A: He uses roars.
Why should you never do math with a tiger?
If you add 4+4 you're gonna get ate.
What flies around your light at night and can bite your head off?
A tiger moth.
Where does a tiger sleep?
Anywhere he wants to!
Why are tigers said to be religious? Because they frequently prey with all their family members.
What should someone do if they are stuck between a jaguar and a tiger? Simple, just take the Jaguar and drive away from the tiger.
How do tigers like their cheese?
What will you get if you cross a tiger and a watchdog? A terrified watchman.
Why don’t tigers like fast food?
Because they can’t catch it!
Q: Why did the tiger cross the road?
A: To stop the zebra crossing.
What did you call the cat next door 10,000 years ago?
A neighbor-toothed tiger.
The tiger ran away from other tigers as they were rude to him. He didn't want to be involved in a catfight.
What is the only difference between a lion and a tiger? The mane part is missing in a tiger.
Q: What does the tiger use to brush his mane?
A: A catacomb.
Why do tigers always hunt and eat their prey raw? Because they don't know how to cook it.
How do you know if a tiger is male or female?
Throw a rock at it. If he runs it's a male. If she runs it's a female.
What is one of the big tiger's most favorite hangout places? A shopping maul.
A magician once said he could make a tiger disappear but only transformed it into a tabby cat...
It was a sleight exaggeration.
Why are tigers striped? Because they never want to be spotted.
A priest is the best catch for a tiger as they like to prey.
A tiger lost a storytelling competition recently as he has only got one tail.
Tony the tiger ate both of my grandmother's parents.
Tearfully, I asked him why. He just looked at me and said, "They're GREAT!"
Tigers are like army soldiers. They both grow up to earn some stripes.
How do you catch a unique tiger?
Unique up on it.
How do you catch a tame tiger?
Tame way.
If a lamb and tiger were crossed, you would end up with a striped sweater.
What’s striped and bouncy?
A tiger on a pogo stick!
The tiger asked his longtime friend, "Will you be my tigerlfriend."
Q: What do you call a French guy being mauled by a tiger?
A: Claude.
Tigers are bad at basketball because they have only four feet.
Q: How does a tiger stop a video?
A: By pressing paws.
On which day do tiger eat people?
It was reported that a tiger recently exploded in the forest fire. They say it was a Royal Bang-al Tiger.
Q: Why do the tiger not attack the farm?
A: He was a little bit sheepish.
What side of a tiger has the most stripes? The outside.
Why are Siberian tigers so happy at Christmas time? Because it is snowy, and they get to look like white tigers.
A fight between tiger and lion broke out. Both of them wanted to become the next empe-roar of the jungle.
What did the tiger say to her cub on his birthday?
It’s roar birthday!
The big cat was known around town to wear a lot of funky ties. Everyone called him the tie-ger.