What does a workhorse like to drink?
A Moscow Mule.
How do winged horses walk if they become pirates?
Peg-asus legs.
Where do horses live in Harry Potter?
Diagonal Alley.
What does a horse call its treats?
My greatest preakness.
Where do the cool horses live?
In rad-docks.
How do you wash a horse?
On a sponge-line.
Why couldn’t the little girl ride the horse?
It was feeling bucky.
What do you say when your horse proposes to your other horse?
Call the marrier!
What kind of bread does a racehorse eat?
Why was the pony so excited to be invited to a rally with the president?
It was a huge end-horse-ment.
What do ponies look for in a vehicle?
Lots of horsepower.
What’s a horse’s favorite fruit?
What do winged horses attend in school? Pegclasses.
Why didn’t the horse buy a house?
The costs were mounting.
How could you tell the horse gained weight?
It had extra girth.
How did the horse know the others were gossiping about him?
He herd.
Why didn’t the horse tell her friend she was a thief?
She didn’t want to saddle her with that information.
What did the horse say when it saw a sheepdog?
“Why is your furlong?”
Who did the horse ask to be his second wife?
A manewer model.
What did the pony say to the Jedi Knight before she left on her adventure?
“May the horse be with you.”
Why did the horse never get cold?
It was a Dutch warmblood.
What does a horse call her best friend?
Her mane chick.
Why did the pony turn himself in?
He felt rem-horse.
How do horses get to another star system? They travel through intergalloptic space.
Where do horses get their mane cut?
The hair-dressager.
What kind of car do fancy horses drive?
What do you call a horse on a boat attached to land?
Why did the horse like her new backpack?
The straps were adju-stable.
Where do horses go to the bathroom?
The bathroom stall-ion.
How does a rude princess sit on a horse?
What do you call a well-balanced horse?
What do you call a horse going down a waterslide?
Horseback sliding.
What cartoon do horses like to watch?
Whinny the Pooh.
Why would a horse make a good president?
They know how to lead.
What’s a horse’s favorite animated movie?
What would a winged horse put in the bathtub?
A pegaLush bath bomb.
What do racehorses eat?
Fast food.
What were the ponies most excited for in the meal?
The main horse.
What does the winged horse do after it goes to the bathroom?
How do mares keep track of their boyfriends?
A stud book.
Why do horses make good lawyers?
Attention to de-tail.
What’s a racehorse’s favorite clothing brand? Jockey.
What's a horse's favorite sport?
Stable tennis.
How do horses show gratitude?
Flank you very much.
How does a horse get a suit fitted?
With a tail-or.
Why did they stop giving the horse grass?
They wanted it to be less green.
How does a horse drink wine?
With a de-canter.
What do you call an explosive horse?
Why was the horse a great editor?
She was very thorough bred.
What does a Clydesdale say when you offer them a carrot?
“Of course, my horse.”
How does a horse make paper mâché?
With newspaper clip-clop-pings.