What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars ? Tyrannosaurus wrecks.
What was the scariest prehistoric animal? The Terror-dactyl!
What does a dinosaur call a porcupine? A toothbrush.
What does a giant Tyrannosaurus eat? Anything she wants!
Which dinosaur can't stay out of the rain? A Stegosaur-rust
How can you tell if there is a dinosaur in bed with you? By the `D' on his pajamas.
Did the dinosaur take a bath ? Why, is there one missing?
What was the first car Henry Fordasaurus invented? A Model T-Rex.
What should you do if you find a dinosaur in your bed ? Find somewhere else to sleep!
Where does a Tyrannosaurus sit when he comes to stay? Anywhere he wants to.
How many dinosaurs can fit in an empty box ? One . After that, the box isn't empty anymore!
What do you call a dinosaur that smashes everything in its path? Tyrannosaurus wrecks.
What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus.
What do you call a dinosaurs fart? "A blast from the past"
How do you make a dinosaur float? Put a scoop of ice cream in a glass of root beer, and add one dinosaur.
What do you call a Blind Dinosaur's Dog? Do-ya-think-he-saurus-rex.
What do you get if you cross a mouse with a Triceratops? Enormous holes in the base boards.
Where do dinosaurs get their mail ? At the dead-letter office!
What's green and hangs from trees? Dinosaur snot.
When a dinosaur gets a goal in a soccer tournament, it is known as a dino-score.
What do you call a dinosaur that's a noisy sleeper? A Bronto-snorus.
What do you call a dinosaur with a foul mouth? Bronto-swore-us.
What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus.
What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars? Tyrannosaurus wrecks!
What do you call someone who tells too many dinosaur jokes?
A dino-bore.
Why did the T-Rex get a ticket? He ran through the stomp sign.
How can you tell if there's a dinosaur in the refrigerator ? The door won't close!
Where was the dinosaur when the sun went down ? In the dark!
What dinosaur is always sad? Cryalotosaurus
What is a dog’s favorite movie about dinosaurs?
Jurassic Bark.
What made the dinosaur's car stop ? A flat Tire-annosaurus!
Why do dinosaurs eat their food raw? Cause they don't know how to cook
What do you call a super articulate dinosaur?
A Thesaurus.
What do you get when you put a bomb in a dinosaur? Dino-mite.
What's the best way to talk to a Tyrannosaur ? Long distance!
What kind of dinosaur can you ride in a rodeo? A Bronco-saurus!
What do you call a Stegosaurus with carrots in its ears? Anything you want, it can't hear you!
What family does Maiasaur belong to? I don't think any families in our neighborhood have one!
Why are there old dinosaur bones in the museum? Because they can't afford new ones!
How much fur can you get from a dinosaur ? As fur as you can get!
What do you say when you meet a two-headed dinosaur? Hello, hello!
Is it true that a dinosaur won't attack if you hold a tree branch? That depends on how fast you carry it!
Which type of dinosaur could jump higher than a house ? Any kind! A house cannot jump!
How do you know if there is a Brachiosaurus in bed with you? By the dinosnores.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road ? The chicken hadn't evolved yet!
What's the difference between a strawberry and a Tyrannosaurus? The strawberry is red!
What should you do if you find a dinosaur in your bed ? Find somewhere else to sleep!
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom? Because the 'p' is silent
How do you invite a dinosaur for lunch?
Tea, Rex?
What do you call a dinosaur as tall as a house, with long sharp teeth, and 12 claws on each foot? Sir.
What do you call a dinosaur as tall as a house, with long sharp teeth, 12 claws on each foot and a personal stereo over his ears? Anything you like, he won't hear you!