What do you call a T-Rex that gets into a fight with the Indominus Rex? Dino-sore.
What do you call a dinosaur that's a loud sleeper? A Snore-a-sorus
Where did Velociraptor buy things? At a dino-store!
What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars ? Tyrannosaurus wrecks.
Why don't dinosaurs ever forget? Because no one ever tells them anything!
What did the dinosaur ask his pet dog when he wanted afternoon tea with him?
Do you want some tea, Rex?
Why do dinosaurs eat raw meat? Because they don't know how to cook.
What did the Tyrannosaurus rex get after mopping the floor? Dino-sore!
Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because the chicken joke wasn't invented yet.
What's green and purple and goes up and down? Barney in an elevator.
Why didn't the T-rex skeleton attack the museum visitors? Because she had no guts!
How can you tell if there is a dinosaur in bed with you? By the `D' on his pajamas.
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
What do you call a dinosaur at the rodeo? Bronco-saurus or a Tyrannasourus Tex
What do you get when you cross a Dinosaur and TNT? Dino-mite.
What family does Maiasaur belong to? I don't think any families in our neighborhood have one!
What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus.
What do you call a Blind Dinosaur's Dog? Do-ya-think-he-saurus-rex.
Is it true that a dinosaur won't attack if you hold a tree branch? That depends on how fast you carry it!
Do you know how long dinosaurs should be fed? Exactly the same as short dinosaurs.
What made the dinosaur's car stop ? A flat Tire-annosaurus!
What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? A Diplodocus with a sore throat!
What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch? Strawberry jam.
What do you call someone who tells too many dinosaur jokes?
A dino-bore.
How do you invite a dinosaur for lunch?
Tea, Rex?
Why do dinosaurs eat their food raw? Cause they don't know how to cook
How did the dinosaur feel after he ate a pillow? Down in the mouth!
What vehicle does T-Rex use to go from planet to planet? A Dinosaucer
What do dinosaurs put on their pizza? Tomato-saurus
Why did the dinosaur cross the road ? The chicken hadn't evolved yet!
Why did the dinosaur paint her toenails red? So she could hide in the strawberry patch!
What do you call a dinosaur that eats fireworks? A dino-mite
What do you get when a dinosaur blows it's nose? OUT of the way!!
What should you do if you find a dinosaur in your bed ? Find somewhere else to sleep!
Where does a Tyrannosaurus sit when he comes to stay? Anywhere he wants to.
What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up? Try and try and try and try-ceratops
What do you call a dinosaur that lost his glasses? uthinkhesawrus
What's the best way to talk to a Tyrannosaur ? Long distance!
What do you call a dinosaur with a foul mouth? Bronto-swore-us.
What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars ? Tyrannosaurus wrecks!
Can you name 10 dinosaurs in 10 seconds? Yes, 8 Iguanadons and 2 Stegasaurus.
What do you do if you find a blue Ichthyosaur ? Cheer him up!
What do you call a Tyrannosaurus under stress?
A nervous rex.
What do you call a super articulate dinosaur?
A Thesaurus.
What is a dinosaurs least favorite reindeer? Comet.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because the chicken joke wasn't invented yet.
Who makes dinosaur clothes? dino-sewer.
What do you get if you cross a mouse with a Triceratops? Enormous holes in the base boards.
How much fur can you get from a dinosaur ? As fur as you can get!
How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch? Tea Rex?