Q. After the stripper is done, what happens at a stag party?
A. Deer-ty dancing.
Q. Which square dancing step do stags enjoy most?
A. The Doe-si-Does.
Q. Which deer was a fascist dictator?
A. Moose Al Ini.
Q. Where can you view sculptures and paintings created by deer?
A. At the art moose-seum.
What was wrong with the deer’s smile?
He had buck teeth.
What did the deer say to her friend when she needed assistance?
“Could you doe me a favour?”
What kind of diet did the deer go on when she was trying to lose weight?
A non-deery diet.
What does the father deer say to the mother deer to show his love?
“I love you deerly!”
What did the reindeer dad tell his son?
Deer to be different!
What does a deer call her boyfriend?
Q. What do you call the stench that comes from antlered roadkill?
A. A foul o-deer.
What do we call a deer without any eye?
“No – eye – deer.”
What did the deer say to her daughter?
“Soon you’ll be all doe-n up!”
Where do deer get all of their coffee?
Where did the deer go to fix its tail?
The re-tail shop.
What did the deer’s mother say to her daughter on her birthday?
“I remember the day you were fawn!”
What did the large baby deer say when he met his favorite celebrity?
“I’m a big fawn!”
Where do Santa Claus and his deers stop to have a coffee at Christmas?
“Star – Bucks!”
It’s the fawn of a new day! - said the deer happily after waking up.
Why was the actress scared of the deer?
She had stag fright.
What is the name of Santa’s rudest deer?
What kind of money does deer use?
What did the weather reporter say to his wife?
“I hope it doesn’t rain, deer!”
Q. Will a sensible stag do something dangerous to impress a doe?
A. No, not even on a deer.
What Disney movie can a deer watch over and over again?
What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?
What’s a deer’s go-to ice cream flavor?
Q. What can a buck take after a night of drinking at a stag party?
A. Elk-a-seltzer.
Why did the deer go for a run?
To doe off some steam.
What did the baby deer say to his friend?
“I’m so fawn-d of you!”
What is the deer’s favorite food group?
“Deer-y products!”
Why did the hunter miss his mark?
He was not aiming deerectly for it.
Q. How do the doe and stag open the entry to their vacation cabin in the woods?
A. They just turn the deer knob.
Q. What does a doe stripper at a stag party take off?
A. Everything but her un-deer-wear.
What do you call an eyeless deer?
Q. Who walks around the suburbs trying to sell venison meat?
A. A deer-to-door salesmant.
Q. What do you get when you cross a doe with a bull?
A. A deery cow.
Q. How do does and fawns fly from place to place?
A. In a deer-igible
What does a deer say when it prays to the god?
“Deer God!”
What did the deer say after she saw her Amazon bill?
“I spent too much doe!”
What is the difference between a deer nut and a beer nut?
“A beer nut is often more than a buck but a deer nut is always under a buck.”
What game do fawns like playing at sleepovers?
Why was the teenager deer a bad driver?
He didn’t want to use the deering wheel.
What does a deer do when it gets to its friend’s house?
Rings the deer bell.
What did Homer Simpson say when he saw a female deer?
What is a deer’s favorite place to get breakfast?
Dunkin’ Doe-nuts!
Did you hear about the generous and kind deer? She had a hart of gold!
What was the motto of the unique deer? Deer to be different!
What is a deer’s favorite meal of the day?
I want to start a deer breeding business…
But first, I’m gonna need about 5,000 bucks.