What is a crows favorite vegetable?
Corn on the caawb.
What do you call two crows flying together?
An attempted murder
What did the teenage crow want for his birthday? A brand new caw!
What is the popular computer game that crows play? Caw of Duty!
I whisper my sins to crows
So my parents can't hear me confess to a murder
The flock of crows that were sprayed with sewage was a true definition of murder most foul.
What are unsolved murders called when it happens in a society of crows? Murder mysteries.
Don't give up at this stage, just keep cawing on, you will do great.
Ravens fans are so tough....they hang out in crowbars.
A group of crows is usually called a 'murder.' Technically, it's only a manslaughter unless there is probable caws.
What did the pig do when it came to a pork in the road? It pigged the road less traveled.
What do you call a room full of crows? Crowded.
Who was the criminal crow running from? The cawps.
I saved a tiny baby crow and now he won't leave, I guess you could say he's mi-cro.
Crowing, crowing, gone.
Why are crows the safest flying birds?
They're the most CAWtious.
No, I'm not concerned about crows infesting my house...
It's actually just a mynah problem.
A group of crows placed evenly between two margins is definitely a justified murder.
The scare crow was out standing in his field, so he got awarded as the best employee of the year.
What would a crow wear to the Halloween party? A crown!
Ever heard of Cawsmopolitan? It is one of the best magazines for crows.
A woman bought a rooster, wanting to hear it crow.
However, it turns out the rooster was mute, so she was out of cluck.
How do the crows in Texas greet each other?
Where do crows type? Crows type on cawmputers.
What do you call a group of crows flying over a couple?
A murder over love.
What did the crow decide to dress up as on Halloween? As a scarecrow.
A crow’s favorite nutty dessert is Pecawn Pie.
What do you call a group of politically similar crows?
A cawcus
What’s the difference between a crow and a chicken?
A chicken can crow, but a crow can’t chicken.
I can’t believe that during the attempted murder, John Crow, Russel Crow and Sheryl Crow were all in the room.
I said some stubtly racist stuff to a magpie
She was a victim of my crow aggressions.
And the collective nouns go: a murder of crows, a herd of cows, a migraine of children.
I would rather breed mice than crows
Mischief is one thing, but I don't think I can pull off a murder.
What did the nervous crow do? The crow proceeded with caw-tion.
A crow invited his buddies over to hang out but they didn’t show up.
He was charged with attempted murder.
One of my friends who hates crows, looked at a flock of crows, I saw murder in his eyes.
He has some good puns on crows, but he doesn’t have to keep crowing about it.
That raven is so stubborn at times, he just needs to crow up.
Sometimes we eat a crow while other times we eat Croatia.
A bear covered in a bunch of crows gives the picture of a grizzly murder.
My Chinese neighbour said he's just opened a crows shop.
Speaking slowly, I said "you mean a *clothes* shop?"
He says, "No, a crows shop - come in and have a rook."
What does a chocolate crow say? “Cacao!”
Wondering what crows wear during Halloween, well, they wear caw-stumes.
A guy walks into a crow bar
It's a murder scene
Why are crows so interesting?
Just beCAWse
What kind of ice cream do pigs like best?
Hoggin Daz!
What did one crow say to the other after the party?
We were raven.
I use a crow to wake me up in the morning.
There’s caws for alarm.
How does an antisocial crow say about a family party? "It was murder".
Who brings presents for crows on Christmas? On Christmas? Santa Caws