The phone rings, and a crow picks it only to find out it’s for her husband. She then says: "Hey John, you have a phone caw."
What do birds like to put in their soup? Crow-tons.
Which bird is the most contented? The crow, because he never complains without caws.
Why was the crow on the telephone wire? To make a long-distance caw.
Crows go to get their shopping at Cawst Co.
It is said that crows and owls are in caw-hoots.
My pet raven, Poe, started coughing... thought it was Corvid-19, but then the bird flu away. Think I will see him nevermore.
What is the name of the final exam you take when studying bird law? The crow bar.
A bear covered in a bunch of crows gives the picture of a grizzly murder.
What do you call a Spanish pig?
Did you heard about the zombie crow? He wants to eat your grains.
What does a chocolate crow say? “Cacao!”
What is the favorite bread of a crow? Crow-issant.
Why was the crow upset about his job? The HR fired the crow with no caws.
Which Halloween treat is going to keep a crow up all night? A crowfee apple.
What do crows take for their gut issues? crow-biotics.
I saved a tiny baby crow and now he won't leave, I guess you could say he's mi-cro.
Who was the criminal crow running from? The cawps.
Where do crows try their luck?
Don't give up at this stage, just keep cawing on, you will do great.
I hate getting into arguments with farmers about the best methods for keeping crows away.
They always resort to straw man arguments.
How will a crow with a cold fever sound like? Caw-ph, Caw-ph.
I thought of premeditated murder and a flash mob of crows came to my mind.
What's an albino crow called? A caw-casian.
What should you name a crow with soft down feathers? Microwsoft.
What is a bunch of crows gathering money called? Crow funding.
I used to own a raven. It could speak English, but the only word it could speak was "car".
What is a crows favorite vegetable?
Corn on the caawb.
A group of crows placed evenly between two margins is definitely a justified murder.
What do you call a group of crows who see food?
A tempted murder.
What’s the difference between a crow and a chicken?
A chicken can crow, but a crow can’t chicken.
When buying crows for commercial use, always buy them in groups...
That way, you’re guaranteed to make a killing.
My friend asked me how my pet crow communicates…
I replied, “Microwaves”.
Why are crows the safest flying birds?
They're the most CAWtious.
On Halloween night a group of crows decided to enact a scene from the play Julius Ceaser, they were enacting the caw-nspiracy scene.
Crows have 16 feather pinions and ravens have 17 pinions. It's just a matter of a pinion.
To resolve the internal issues at the office, crows involved their cawnflict mediators.
And the collective nouns go: a murder of crows, a herd of cows, a migraine of children.
Crows love Cawnie Chung, their favorite reporter.
The public investigated a box full of crows because it was a murder case.
The scare crow was out standing in his field, so he got awarded as the best employee of the year.
What do you called a crow that cant find his way?
A lost caws
Ever heard of Cawsmopolitan? It is one of the best magazines for crows.
Where do crows type? Crows type on cawmputers.
A guy walks into a crow bar
It's a murder scene
I would rather breed mice than crows
Mischief is one thing, but I don't think I can pull off a murder.
No, I'm not concerned about crows infesting my house...
It's actually just a mynah problem.
The baby crow decided to dress up as his favorite vegetable on Halloween, he dressed up as a caw-liflower.
Crows go, listen, perform, and enjoy live music, at cawnsorts.
Two crows land on a park bench.
They were arrested for conspiring to murder.