What do you call a crocodile that likes to bowl?
An alley-gator!
What do you call a SWAT team of alligators?
Did you hear about the crocodile who was unable to mate?
He had a reptile dysfunction.
If you ever need directions, call for a navi-gator.
What kind of croc hangs out in back passages around town?
An Alley-gator.
I like you, you croc my world.
What do you call an alligator that will only eat sacrificed lambs?
A hallaligator.
Why don't alligators like fast food?
Because it is difficult to catch.
What happens when an alligator drives a boat?
He becomes a navigator.
What do you call a man who is too big for an alligator to eat?
A jawbreaker.
When alligators need energy, they just slug down some gator-ade.
Whichever gator stole all the food, we'll catch the crook-a-dile.
Alligators ask lots of questions, they'd make great interri-gators.
Any time I wear a t shirt with a picture of a crocodile on it, I feel a little sick.
I think I might be Lacoste intolerant.
A guy wearing a suit and tie walks into a bar with an alligator…
He walks up to the bartender and asks, “Do you serve lawyers here?”
“Yes sir, we do,” says the bartender.
The guy smiles and says, “Great. Then I’ll have a beer, and my ‘gator will have a lawyer.”
Did you hear about the law firm with the most intimidating lawyers?
It’s filled with liti-gators.
You are really talented. You should join a punk-croc band.
What do you get if you cross an alligator with a flower?
I don’t know, but I will not smell it!
What do you call an alligator that’s a very skilled conversationalist?
A dialogator.
My favorite music is by Spandau Croc-quet.
What do dehydrated alligators drink?
Did you hear about the croc and rooster that had a kid together?
It was a crocadoodledoo.
A boy sees an alligator in the zoo and shouts,
“Hey, are you a caiman?”
The alligator replies, “I’m alright, thanks, kid!”
What do you call an alligator who is holding a compass?
A navigator.
Did you know alligators can grow up to 18 feet?
But most of them only have four!
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator!
Alligators can live up to 100 years…
Which is why there’s a chance that they will see you later.
I told the other alligator to stay outside, he cai-man anyway.
What does an alligator do when he loses his tail?
It goes to a re-tail store.
How about the stylish female crocodile, she's every inch a frock-o-dile.
It's just a lot of croc 'n' roll.
Why should you be careful not to insult a crocodile?
It may come back to bite you in the butt.
Why won’t crocodiles attack lawyers?
Professional courtesy!
What’s the difference between a dog and a gator?
A dog’s bark is worse than its bite.
What has 80 teeth and 2 eyes ?
A crocodile.
What do you call an alligator who is wearing crocs on his feet?
A traitor.
I’ll have a crocodile sandwich please, and make it snappy!
The weather's getting colder, I really fancy some hot croc-o-late.
What do you call a reptile that works on a farm?
An irri-gator.
What is the most effective way to cook a crocodile?
In a croc pot.
What is a crocodiles favourite dessert?
Brandy snaps.
What came first, the alligator or the crocodile?
The dinosaur.
What is a nerdy alligator’s favorite programming language?
A French photographer and his friend from Czechoslovakia were visiting Australia.
Unfortunately, one day they got too close to a nesting site and were attacked and eaten by a pair of crocodiles.
The female ate the Frenchman.
The Czech was in the male.
Why are alligator comedians so funny?
Their wit is as razor sharp as their teeth!
Some people like to play croc-quet.
Why should you never ever play texas hold'em with a crocodile?
You will literally lose every hand.
I went to the zoo the other day and saw an alligator that will only eat finely chopped food.
It was an alligrator.
What card game do crocodiles like playing?
If you need a mystery-solving, just call an in-vesti-gator.