The farmer called his prize cow a bull-dozer because she was always sound asleep in the fields.
What did the cow who barged the other cow say?
Why was the cow always exercising? To build up its moo-scles
What is the definition of “moon”?
The past tense of “moo”.
The only difference between pea soup and roast beef is anyone can roast beef.
Why did the cow wear a bell around her neck?
Because her horn didn’t work.
In order to get an accurate count of the herd, the farmer uses a cow-culator.
Where did the bull carry his stock-market report?
In his beef case
Cows will never make the police force because they simply refuse to go on steak-outs.
Why doesn’t Sweden export its cattle?
It wants to keep its Stockholm.
What is a cow’s favorite lunch meat?