What is the perfect name for a sad strawberry? It is called a blueberry.
I always tend to forget the french word for strawberry sometimes. But, then I eventually remember the fraise.
I used to work at a nut farm
The work conditions were great but the salary was peanuts
What’s an orange’s favourite animal? An orange-utan.
What did the therapist say to the pineapple? Look on the bright side.
Did you hear the little loaves playing hide-and-seek earlier? They kept yelling, “Bready or not, here I come!”
My favorite fruit is the pear.
Because if you have two and you eat one, you still have a pear left.
Just found a fly in my beer. I'm feeling buzzed.
"I mead more wine."
Why does a little cherry always look up to its parents? It tries to follow in their fruitsteps.
When is a pumpkin not a pumpkin? When you drop it; then it's squash!
A friend asked what an acorn is. I said, “In a nutshell, it’s an oak tree.”
What happens when you go on an all-cheese diet?
You cheddar few pounds.
Time to celery-brate.
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock Who’s there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?
Why shouldn’t you take corn on an airplane?
Your ears will pop!
A cream-filled donut and an eclair decided to get a divorce.
It’s a sad story, but the real victims are their children. They’re in for a grueling custardy battle.
What happens when no one comes to your birthday party? You can have your cake and eat it too.
What do you get if you cross a lemon with a dinosaur
Tyrannosourest Rex.
What did Yoda say when he turned a patron away for ordering a pie?
“Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.”
For our anniversary, I gave my girlfriend a picture of me inside a pistachio. But that’s just me in a nutshell.
Strawberries love to travel. Their favorite mode of transport is the wind-jam-mer.
What do two cherries say when they get married? I promise to cherry-ish you forever.
Strawberries are great musicians because they make perfect jam sessions.
What is a cheese lover’s favorite type of music?
R n’ Brie.
The national news did a story on my friend's bumper crop of green citrus fruits.
He loves being in the limelight.
When the unripe strawberry saw the ripe one, it was green with envy.
The police have been interrogating the walnut for several mi-nuts now. It’s a tough nut to crack!
What did ketchup say while spotting his friend at the gym?
Mustard all of your strength!
Why is the corn army so dysfunctional?
Cause there are too many Kernels.
What do you call a chicken staring at lettuce?
Chicken sees a salad.
An owner of a pizza shop has just been found dead covered with pineapple, ham, mushrooms, and pepperoni. Word is that he topped himself.
"Giving you more reasons to wine."
My doctor told me to cut down on red meat.
So, could you brown it up a bit?
Fake ramen noodles are also called the impasta.
What is an elf's favorite kind of birthday cake? Shortcake!
The young lady had to throw her toaster in the trash. She was diagnosed as black-toast intolerant.
What did the hamburger coach tell his team after they lost the first round? “You have to keep frying, you can’t give up”.
My doctor told me "No more spicy food.", but I decided to have one last fennel fling.
What’s worse than finding a worm in your pear?
Finding half a worm.
I mashed a few mangoes, pineapples, melons, strawberries, and grapes into a pot. Served the mash to guests visiting my place.
Called the dish, Mea Pulpa.
You better watch out before you play a game with any bread? Baguette ready to lose.
Which book will be preferred by a man who sells milk? Cream and Punishment.
As a butcher, let me advise you never to back up into the meat grinder. It will make you get a little behind in your work.
Why is Mrs Mayo mad at Mr Ketchup?
She caught him watching the salad dressing again.
What do you call a healthy dinosaur? Tea-Rex.
Why did the coffee call the police? Because it was mugged.
What do you call an apple that's been around the world? Johnny Appleseed.
A strawberry usually needs batteries when it runs out of juice.
What does a nosey pepper do? Gets Jalapeno business.