What time do ladies drink wine?
At Wine O'Clock.
"Stop and smell the rosé."
"You can't sip with us."
Wine puns. They're always in pour taste.
"On cloud wine."
"No wine left behind."
"I mead more wine."
"Will you accept this rosé?"
What should you do with an old inventory of fine French wine?
Liquidate it to the highest bidder.
Are there any funny red wine puns at BabaMail Jokes?
You bet Shiraz there are!
How does cabernet like to travel abroad?
On a cruise sip.
What does a cat lady say on Friday night?
I am drinking wine and feline fine!
"Is that a yay or cabernet?"
Happy Hour is at wine o’ clock
What happened when a clumsy sommelier tried to decant a bottle of fine wine?
Things went pour-ably wrong.
"Sip happens."
"Rosé all day."
"Time to wine down."
Why did the wine connoisseur insist on drinking from an old tire?
He heard it was a Goodyear!
Where does wine catch up on all the vineyard dirt?
Through the grapevine.
"You are so bottlefull to me."
Wine Lovers Rhyme: A friend of wine is a friend of mine!
Why do wine lovers guzzle down vine humor?
Because wine jokes are a barrel of laughs.
Wine if you must. It’s not good to bottle up your emotions.
"Let's get fizzical. Pass the prosecco."
I like my wine sweet and my humor dry.
Wino Woe: Forgive me, for I have zinned!
"Say you'll be wine."
"Oh, sweet child of wine."
"Adulting makes me wine."
"Love the wine you're with."
I’m not old. I’m aged to perfection. And full bodied.
"Sip, sip hooray."
The problem with collecting wine is that you always end up getting screwed.
"Read between the wines."
Why did Wonder Woman rescue the Wine?
Because that's what grape lady superheroes do!
What type of wine is notorious for making you drowsy?
Sauvign-yawn blanc!
"You had me at merlot."
"Alcohol you later."
"I need to re-wine my life."
"Back that glass up."
Gluten-free, dairy-free, fat-free – I love this new Champagne Diet!
My doctor said I need to change my diet. He said I should eat more more caviar and drink more champagne. So, I said, "That's insane! What kind of a diet is that?" He replied, "It's called a High Fluten Diet."
Did you hear about the crime family that took over the wine importing business?
They call themselves the Sip-ranos!
Fine Wine Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, what are you doing this fall? 'Cause I'd like to make you part of the season's harvest.
"Great minds drink alike."
Party Host: Would you like to try some mulled wine?
Party Guest: I'll have to think it over...
Which type of wine do horses request most often?
Why do we enjoy wine jokes?
Because they're de-vine!
Like a pro wrestler in a headlock, I’m indulging in a little Sham pain.