What’s a potato’s least favorite dance? The Mash Potato.
What do you call a stolen yam? A hot potato.
The sweet potato asked the other potato : “How are my eyes? ”
People order potatoes a lot because they look a-peeling on the menu.
I yam rooting for you my sweet potato and I won't mash your heart
“How are you? ” “Well, I yam fried”
Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew. Happy Birthday from me to you!
What kind of potatoes are in the best shape? Hash browns; they’re totally shredded!
Why did the potato wear socks?
To keep his pota-toes warm.
Potato puns are a-peeling.
How does a potato win at Street Fighter? By mashing the kick button.
Potatoes that are medi-tators maintain calm and peace even when uprooted.
I love you a tot!