What do fruit wear when they go swimming? A one-peach bathing suit.
I went to watch a play and there were so many peach errors in the dialogues.
Q: What would a peach love to pet?
A: A Pit Bull.
A sad peach can be really pit-iful, sometimes.
It is a great idea to ask peaches to make your shoes. After all, they make excellent cobblers.
Where do you put nectarines when you want to freeze them? Inside the peach-zer.
Interesting fact: A nectarine can also be a peach if it does not have peach fuzz.
What song do young peaches love listening to? 'Papa don't peach'.
When the peach pit farewell to his friend, he said, "See you later, peach out".
Peaches tend to be really mean. After all, they have hearts of stone.
I met him yesterday, he was on his way to meet the counselor for a peach therapy session.
My father gave me a peach. I told him that I wanted a pear. So he gave me another peach.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
Q: What’s a nectarine?
A: A peach with balding problems.
During the summer break, I enrolled myself in a peach coding course.
Wondering about a peach's favorite movie? Well it has to be the 'King's Peach'.
When the peach lost her mother, it left a deep pit in her heart.
Q: What happened to the peach who went to meet the knife?
A: He came back in many peaches.
Why did the peach go to the therapist? It was in a pit of despair.
Why did the daddy peach teach the child peach to shave? He was starting to grow peach fuzz.
At a restaurant, the peach said, "Hey, I would like a peach of cake for dessert, thank you!"
Q: What do you call a really violent fruit?
A: A peach breaker
An artist painted a wonderful fruit painting. It was a beautiful peach of work.
Son: Hey dad, I stole a peach from the grocery store today.
Dad: Why?
Son: I don’t know, but I feel guilty. It’s a real pit in my stomach.
What song was the peach listening to? 'Stronger with Peach Tear'.
The fruit teacher taught figures of peach in today's class.
The peach started acting all funny because it was really fuzzy.
I don't like cutting up a peach. I think it's because of the pits.
What was the Peach's favorite surf band from the 60's? The Peach Boys.
I heard that my neighbor, who loved dried fruit, has passed away. May his soul rest in peach.
Why does it take a while before a peach leaves a fruit basket? They have to give a goodbye peach first.
Q: Why did no one like peach’s personality?
A: Because it had a heart of stone.
Q: Why did the fruit stop for some time while driving?
A: It wanted to make a quick pit-stop
In North Korea, you can not throw fruits in the snow as they don't have the right to freeze peach
One should always practice what they peach.
My mother says: “Leave that peach cobbler alone on the table!” However, I cannot help myself and sneak in to watch it making beautiful peach shoes.
Those people are preparing peach gelato because they want to demonstrate their rights to freeze peach!
The United Nations gave its members a basket of peaches on 21 September - the International Peach Day.
The kindergarten kids were taught the alphabet and peach sounds at school.
Why did the man continue to eat whole peaches? Because he has a bottomless pit.
Q: What kind of decisions do peaches make?
A: Fruitful ones.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
This special peach school is for those Peach kids who are suffering from peach and hearing impairment.
Unlike peaches, nectarines don't have any fuzz, because they suffer from Alo-peach-ea.
Why did the peach think he was a pear for a while? He was feeling awfully green at first, but eventually his face became red.
The guilty conscience of stealing and consuming a whole peach is getting to me. I feel like there's a pit in my gut.
Which word can be used to describe a peach that is surprised, shocked, or angry with strong emotion? – Speachless!
Back in the early 2010s, the peach children loved to flock around to listen to Peach Pit.
My peach friend shaved for the first time the other day, he looks like a nectarine!
An inspirational speaker came to speak at the fruit stand today. He told us to peach for the stars.