Why was red in awe of orange?
“Because orange blue green.”
Q: Why couldn’t the orange believe that her friend had let her down?
A: This was because citrus-ted him!
Did you hear about the orange boxer?
He got beaten to a pulp.
The least favorite day for an orange is a juice day.
A lemon says to an orange, “What are you up to?”
The orange replies, “Not much. Just hanging ‘round.”
Why did the orange fall out of the tree?
It went out on a limb.
What are the longest lasting relationships in the fruit world? Orange-d marriages.
What do oranges like to listen to?
Musical com-peel-ations.
Did you hear that they're trying to convict an orange?
It got wrapped up in appeal.
The oranges hadn’t been peeling well for a week when they finally decided to seek medical attention.
“My favorite color is tangerine- isn’t that orange-inal?”
What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A blood orange.
Why did the worker get fired from the orange juice factory?
“Lack of concentration.”
Q: Why can’t oranges be pirates?
A: They don’t get scurvy.
Why does the yogi meditate under the citrus tree?
Because it’s a sub-lime spot.
What do you call a fruit riding a motorcycle? – An Orange County Chopper.
Why did the orange get insurance?
Zest in case.
Why did the fruit bat eat the orange?
“Because it had appeal.”
What did the orange say before he started his new job?
“The zest is yet to come!”
What did the oranges do after concluding the meeting?
They peeled the deal.
What did the orange say when a knife pierced it’s peel? Flesh wound.
Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice.
Finally, the call came in and the orange was informed by the person on the other end of the line that the company had orange-d an interview for the following day.
What do you call a male orange?
The reason orange juice doesn’t slide well on hard wood floors is Because of pulp friction.
Why did the orange’s musical number receive a bad review?
Because it wasn’t an “orange-inal.”
Q: Why are orange and banana phones so popular these days?
A: They have appeal.
We had made everything for the party and the groom came in, did a quick assessment and didn’t seem amused. “Orange you glad we did this?” we asked him.
Where were the first orange trees planted?
“In Orange County.”
The Paddington bears don’t eat lots of marmalade sandwiches because they are already stuffed.
The oranges have great eyesight because they always keep their eyes peeled.
Why did the orange cry?
Someone hurt its peelings.
Why did the orange go out with a prune? He couldn’t find a date.
Which language do oranges use to speak to each other? Mandarin.
The orange said to the melon, “You are one in a melon.” The melon replied, “You are so appealing.”
Why don’t oranges go around blind?
“Because they take Vitamin See!”
Which Star Wars character was the orange cast for?
Emperor Pulpatine.
He apologized for driving the orange to the edge of the blade
What’s an orange’s favourite animal? An orange-utan.
Q: Why did the orange cross the road?
A: Because everyone thought he was a chicken.
It peels nice to be voted in as the most appeeling model in the contest.
Why was the girl staring at the carton of orange juice?
“It said concentrate.”
What did the apple teacher say to her student? Help me orange the chairs please!
Why did the orange help the old lady cross the road?
To do a random act of rindness.
When you come across oranges wearing suntan lotion, don’t judge them harshly. They do so in order not to peel.
What did the insulted orange say to the kiwi? Ex-squeeze-me?
What do you get when an Elephant sits on an Orange?
Orange squash.
How do you celebrate orange drink that doesn't expire?
Woo! Tang is forever!
When the orange started peeling, he was glad it was finally cutting some weight.
We all know that monkeys of all species love bananas, however, there is one family that doesn’t really fancy them, the orang-utans.