What do you call a dog who only eats garlic and onions?
A dog with a bark worse than its bite.
What is the onion that laughs a lot and is small and white in color? It is a tickled onion.
For the last few Sundays, I have been receiving an onion pun in the mail. I don't know who is sending them. Guess it is onionymous.
When I told my friend an onion pun, he started crying. I asked whether they were tears of happiness?
What do you get when you put the number 3.14 in the middle of the onions? You get o-pi-nions!
What is the favorite punk band of onions? It is a band known as "Good Shallot"!
I walked into the kitchen and saw my wife chopping onions which made me cry
Onions was a good dog
An onion just told me a joke.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I recently bought my grandson a vegetable-themed pogo stick exclusively made from spring onions.
The onion husband and wife had a fight, and she told him that he shouldn't have exposed all his layers because it was making her cry.
On which website will you learn about the hidden gossips and secrets of the onion world? On the website Wiki-Leeks.