What’s a milk’s favorite fruit? Cow-conuts.
Which religious figure does dairy products worship? Cheese-us!
What did the expired milk say after being picked up way past its due date? It was well beyond their wildest creams.
Where do astronauts buy their milk? From the milky way!!!
What kind of milk do people drink in Mexico? Soy milk.
What do you call a very feminine cow that likes to be in charge? The Dairy Queen.
The spoiled milk always got what it wanted.
What does a cow say to milk? I am your mother.
The thing about milk-inspired puns is you only reach 2% of their potential.
Did you know that milk is a very religious beverage? Most of them are pastor-ized.
Do you know the hardest part about making skimmed milk? Having to throw the cows across the lake.
If there was a material made of milk which could store electricity...
...it would be called buttery.
What do you call a fat kid who likes chocolate milk?
An OvalTeen
Why do milking stools only have three legs? The cows keep the udder safe.
I thought I'd have some evaporated milk on my pudding. But when I opened it, it was empty.
What do you call yogurt that is terrified of other dairy products? A cow-ard!
What did the cow say to his friend when they met twice in the same day? “What a cow-incidence!”
Milk aliens have landed. They said 'take me to your litre'.
What do you call a bee that makes a milk?
What do you call the greatest cheese to every live on the earth? Legen-dairy!
Basketball players always drop cookies into their milk.
That way, it's a slam dunk.
Why did no one drink the youngest milk? Its parents spoiled it.
I replaced the milk in the carton with lemon juice. Everyone was really sour about it.
I went into the library and asked for pint of milk. The librarian said 'this is a library'. So i whispered 'I'd like a pint of milk please'.
I tried to milk my cow last night, but nothing I did seemed to work. It was an udder failure.
How do you milk sheep ?
Release another iPhone.
My cows are super confusing. I can’t milk heads or tails of them.