What did the judge say at the finale of the meat throwing competition? The steaks have never been higher!
Why did the thief steal a pig? Because he was a hamburglar.
Did you see the award-winning movie about a hot dog? It was an Oscar wiener!
Why did the pig become an actress? Because she was a real ham!
What did the burger meat say to the BBQ? “Is it meat you’re looking for?”
I’m bacon you! Please stop with the meat puns!
I’ve been told that I need to stop making puns about meat… But I just can’t stop cold turkey.
What do you call a pig that practices karate? A pork chop!”
What happened when the butcher backed up into the meat grinder? He got a little behind in his work!
Our local butcher had to go to the doctor the other day. He didn’t know what was wrong, but said that he was feeling offal.
What did the boss pig say to the pig worker for not working fast enough? “chop chop slow pork”.
The hotdog severely fell behind in school which is why he has to ketchup.
No one likes sausage puns, they are the wurst!
You know I always wanted to open my own sandwich shop. I would have all the meat and bread money could buy...
Problem was I was afraid something would go a rye
If you’re looking for Valentine’s Day inspiration for a meat loving crush, try “Will you beef my Valentine?”
I love meat. I think going vegetarian would be a big missed steak.
What would you call a steak that leaped off the table and ran away? Fast food, of course.
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!
Some types of meat like to play around a lot. These are generally the game types.
What did the hamburger coach tell his team after they lost the first round? “You have to keep frying, you can’t give up”.
What did the deer say to each other when they were trying to solve a difficult problem? This is such a deer-lemma!
Pirates used to make a delicious snack for themselves by crossing pate with flowers. They called it “lily livered”.
Cows don’t make very good cops. They refuse to go on steak outs.