The only type of cookies a cookie monster loves to eat during Halloween is Ghoul Scout Cookies.
Why would an oreo cookie need to visit a dentist? To get a filling replacement.
What do you call two cookies from the same cookie sheet who fall in love? A batch made in heaven.
How can you make a computer system cry? Delete his cookies.
What kind of keys does a kid skeleton use on Halloween? Cook-keys.
What happened to the zombie that made him visit the doctor? He had a crummy feeling.
When should you take a cookie to the doctor? When it feels crummy. What do the cookie and the computer have in common? They both have chips.
What is green and brown and crawls through the grass? A Girl Scout who has lost her cookie.
Why did the cookie cry? Because his mother was a wafer so long! Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?
What kind of cookies do poor people want during Halloween? Fortune cookies.
What do ghoul scouts hope to achieve by selling halloween cookies? They hope to make a good first impression.
What’s the perfect gift for someone who is always raisin’ the bar? Oatmeal
It’s common for people with heartbreaks to crumble.
Why do kids love to clean out the cookie jar for Halloween? To make room for Halloween candy.
What kind of cookies do vulcans love? Spockolate chips.
How do you make Ohio State University cookies? Put them in a big Bowl and beat for 3 hours.
If you bake an oatmeal raisin cookie at a temperature of 666 degrees, what do you call it? Raisin hell!
Why do wookies love chocolate chip cookies? Because they are chewy.
What cookie makes you rich? A fortune cookie!
Why does the cookie monster fear the gingerbread man? Because he’s one tough cookie.
What made the baby cookie cry so loud? His mother was a wafer so long.
What do you call someone who steals from the keebler elves? A crook-ie
What’s the best view you can get in our galaxy? A view of the milky way from mars.
Why do girls scouts sell cookies? They wanna make a sweet first impression.
What do you get when you use a cookie cutter shaped like a deer? Cookie doe!
What does the ginger bread man put on his bed? A cookie sheet.
How does a cookie wish his friends for Christmas? I whisk you a merry Christmas.
What type of keys does the gingerbread man unlock his door with? cook-keys!
Know what kind of cookies rich people love? Fortune cookies.
What is a monster's favorite food? Ghoul scout cookies.
What is a monkey's favorite cookie? Chocolate chimp!
Nut cookies are the best gifts for nutty friends.
What kind of keys do kids like to carry? Cookies!
Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? Because it lost its filling
What did the oreo cookie say to his filling? You’re my butter half.
Why did the cookie monster rob the keebler elves? Because they had a lot of dough.
What’s the best thing you can put in a halloween cookie? Your teeth.
Why do basketball players love cookies? Because they can dunk them!
Vampires love cookies too, they love No-stake cookies.
The cookie monster couldn’t make his bed, why? Because he couldn’t find his cookie sheets.
What word backwards can predict the future? Cookies (Seikooc as in psychic of you say it).