Patient: Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake." Doctor: Next time, take off the candles.
How old was the cave man on his birthday?
Stone Age.
What do they serve at birthday parties in heaven?
Angel food cake, of course!
What’s sweet and goes woof?
What do they call Chris Christie in New Jersey? Cake Boss.
Why did the students eat their homework?
Because the teacher said that it was a piece of cake.
Why did the burglar break into the bakery? Because he heard the cakes were rich.
Why couldn’t the teddy bear finish his dessert?
Cause he was stuffed.
Why did the students eat their homework? Because the teacher said that it was a piece of cake.
What does a birthday cake and a baseball team have in common?
They both need good batters.
Why did the man put the cake in the freezer?
Because his wife told him to ice it!
What do you call a cake that likes heavy metal?
Megadeath by Chocolate.