What excuse did the late watermelon give his boss? He said be there in 5 boss, I’m just rind the corner.
Why does every watermelon want to be in the Guinness book of records? Because there’s a lot of watermelon smashing to be done.
What do you call a watermelon that spends all day at the beauty spa? Must be a hottermmelon.
So, what do you do with an epileptic watermelon? Simple, you make a seizure salad.
How are a car and a bicycle similar?
“You can’t make watermelon juice out of either of them.”
What do you calla watermelon that just won’t stop committing crimes? A watefelon.
Why did the watermelon go crazy?
“He lost his rind.”
Why did the cantaloupe jump into the pool?
“It wanted to be a watermelon.”
Do you know what you call the outside of a watermelon?
“Rind of.”
You know what they say about when life gives you melons?
You might be dyslexic.
Why did one melon break up with the other melon?
“He didn’t know water problem was.”
What do you get when you divide the circumference of a watermelon by it’s diameter? Watermelon PI.
I once attended the saddest watermelon funeral I’ve ever been to. I gotta say, I’ve never seen anything so meloncholy in my life.
What do you call two watermelons that are not allowed to get married? A couple of can’t- elopes.
I think it’s funny when I ask girls whether they would spit or swallow my seed if I was a watermelon. Unfortunately, almost all of them reply not in a hundred melon years.
Why shouldn’t you go into business with a watermelon?
“They’re seedy.”
What do you call a serial killer watermelon? A slaughter melon.
What did the watermelon wife say to his stinky husband? You’ve got a strange smelon you today.
What do you call a girl with no arms, no legs, sitting in a watermelon patch?
“Melanie! (melon-y)”