Are you a taco?
Cause you sure taco lot
Why did the hare go to the taco truck?
He couldn't beat the tortas.
What do you call it when a taco stands in your way ?
An obs-taco
Why are they called tacos?
They don’t say much.
Got the drive-thru girl at Taco Bell..
I pulled up and she said, "what can I get you?" And I replied, "I'll just have a moment for now."
I made some fish tacos last night....
But they just ignored them and swam away.
HELP! It's a taco emergency!
Dial 9 Juan Juan!
Why don’t most people enjoy jokes about taco shells?
They’re too corny
I wasn’t sure if I ordered enough tacos from Taco Bell.
So I got a just in quesadilla.
Sir, did you realize the consequences of naming your son Taco Cheese?
"No, but I have grate expectations."
my buddy’s sad after getting fired from taco bell, so being a caring friend i asked if he wanted to
taco bout it?
What did the Mexican wrestler say after he ate a taco that was too spicy?
“It’s okay, I’ll just guac it off”
"I hate tacos!"
Said no Juan ever.
It's Taco Night, so on my way home, I grabbed a bag of shredded cheese at the store, queso we needed some more.
Never tell a taco a secret
It will spill the beans
I was sitting in the toilet at Taco Bell and it reminded me of my divorce.
It was extremely messy and involved a lot of paperwork.
How many tacos can an octopus eat?
Ten tacos.
Not only did I have a good time at Taco Bell
I had a Baja Blast
This is a taco and burrito conversation.
I was caught smuggling a taco into the new star wars movie...
...they now call me Rogue Juan
I don’t wanna taco ‘bout it
What do you call a cold little taco?
A brrr-ito.
I went to Taco Bell and order nacho fries
the person behind the counter wouldn't give them to me, just kept saying "nacho fries".
If you put your ear up to a Taco Shell
You can hear the Sí.
Dad Ordered Taco Bell
Asked how many Dillas come in their Ques 'a Dillas
What do you call a sloppy Joe made with taco seasoned beef?
Sloppy José
I've started a Taco Bell themed John Coltrane cover band.x
We're called Crunchwrap Supremex
Taco Bell overcooked my food
I asked for a brrrr-ito and an en-chill-ata.
Why can't Superman eat the corn tortillas at taco Tuesday?
He's afraid of that chip tonight.
One day, my stepfather ordered some fish tacos. I asked him what kind of fish goes in a fish taco.
He said, "Dead."
just bought 5 slabs of San miguel, 10 sombreros and 25 tacos,
I'm Hispanic buying
People who use sleeping bags in the woods are soft tacos for bears.