What do you get when you spice up date night? Netflix and Chilis.
What happened when a farmer crossed a chili pepper, a shovel, and a pitbull? He got a hot-diggity-dog.
What vegetable is not allowed on ships? Leeks.
What do you call a dinosaur that drinks curry? A Mega-sore-arse.
What did baby clock ask mama clock? Where's father Thyme.
Why did the Iron Chef have to stop cooking? He ran out of Thyme.
Have you heard of the garlic diet? You don't lose much weight, but from a distance your friends think you look thinner!
How should you live your life? By seasoning the moment.
I asked the Korean grocer for something to spice up my meals, but I think I got a raw dill.
What does a nosey pepper do? Gets Jalapeno business.
Chefs earn a meager celery, cumin home beat they just want to read the pepper and spend thyme with the kids.