If your doctor tells you to go on a low sodium diet, do you take his advise with a grain of salt?
My wife misplace the sugar with the salt in her sugar cookies.
It was sodium disgusting.
What did the paprika tell the salt around Christmas?
Seasonings greetings.
What happened to the criminal magician who ate to much salt?
Cardiac arrest.
What did the salt say after it was pepper-sprayed?
That's nothing to sneeze at.
I put some salt on my mobile. Now it’s a saxaphone.
What do you call a rifle that shoots salt?
A salt rifle.
Why does salt make everything taste better
Because it's sodi-yummm!
What do you call a small Subaru car covered in road salt?
An Impretzel!
What do you call bacon with salt on it?
Salt and Peppa.
Police arrested a man who dropped his phone in the ocean. The was charged with a salt in battery.
Did you know that if you poured salt on a cat's tail it will fall off?
It's true! And if you pour pepper on a cat's tail, the pepper will also fall off.
Nearly got knocked off of my bike by a council salt lorry.
You idiot, I shouted. Through gritted teeth.
If you get an email about pork salt and fat, don't open it.
It's Spam.
When I was in basic training we couldn't have salt or pepper.
Those were reserved for the seasoned veterans.
Why do sharks swim in salt water?
If they swam in pepper water they would sneeze.
What do you get when you fling salt in a tavern?
A barnacle (a.k.a. bar-na-cl).
I took the recent snow warnings with a pinch of salt.
My friend accidentally got salt in his papercut.
Talk about adding insalt to injury.
A chap goes to see the doctor with salt on one ear and pepper on the other. The doctor says, “You need to start eating more sensibly”.
What kind of fish is only made of salt.
A tu-na.
I had lunch once with a chess player at a restaurant with checked tablecloths. It took him 3 hours to pass me the salt.
My friend: *Throws salt at me*
Me: Don’t assault me!
What are the four seasons?
Salt, Pepper, Sugar and Flour.
I got some salt in my eye
Now it’s sea salt.
Someone told me I looked like a salt shaker. I took it as a condiment.
What did the salt say when the phosphate asked to bond with it?
"NaCl ater."
My wife made gluten free, carb free, salt free spaghetti last night
It was not real food, it was an impasta.
When you mix a salt and water, you get a solution. When you mix a salt and battery, what do you get?
Is tea with additional salt
What’s the opposite of Himalayan salt?
Herastandin pepper.
I’d like to tell a joke about salt but then said to myself: "Na."
Did you hear about the sea captain who made a special salt-proof boat for the salty waters of the ocean?
It was a sailing solution to cross a saline solution.