How do astronauts like to eat their ice cream?
What happens after you eat an entire gallon of "All Natural" ice cream? You get Breyer's remorse!
Why did the ice cream truck break down? Because of the Rocky Road.
What do you call a metalhead working at Cold Stone? Alice Scooper.
What was the ice cream cone’s naughty pick up line?
Wanna lick me?
What are ice cream cones like as parents?
They’re big softies.
How does an ice cream cone congratulate you on the anniversary of your birth?
It’s sherbert day!
When does Oliver Stone eat ice cream? Any Given Sundae.
What kind of ice cream does Dracula eat?
Why doesn’t anyone invite an ice cream cone to their party?
They’re a drip.
Did you hear about the ice cream that went to prison?
They got their just desserts.
Did you hear about the frozen dessert whose wife had a baby?
Now he’s a popsicle.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Ice cream!
Ice cream who?
Ice cream if you throw me in the cold, cold water!