What do you call a frozen frankfurter? A Chili dog.
What's the difference between a Yankee Stadium hot dog and a Fenway Park hot dog? You can buy a Yankee Stadium hot dog in October.
What did the hot dog bun say to the hot dog? Stop touching my buns! What do you call a hot dog with nothing inside it? A "hollow-weenie!"
Did you see the movie about the hot dog? It was an Oscar Wiener.
What has 100 teeth and eats wieners? A zipper!
Did you see the movie about the hot dog? It was an Oscar Wiener
What do get when you cross a chili pepper, steam shovel, and a Chihuahua? Hot, diggety dog.
Where do you smart hot dogs go?… On the honor role.
What did the Mama Hot Dog say to the little frankfurter? Ketch-up! Why did the blonde put a sweater on her hot dog? Because she wanted a chili dog.
She got fired from the hot dog stand for putting her hair in a bun.
Why did the hot dog turn down a chance to star in a major motion picture? None of the rolls (roles) were good enough.
What do you call a dog with a fever? A hot dog.
What do you call a hot dog race? Wiener takes all.
Why was the man holding a bottle of ketchup? Because it was raining cats and hot dogs.
What do you get when your dog jumps into the fire pit? A hot dog.
Why doesn't Daniel Tosh eat Hot Dogs? He can't find the zipper
How do hot dogs greet each other? They say “give me some skin!”
When can a pizza marry a hot dog? After a very frank relationship.
What do you get when your dog jumps into the fire pit? A hot dog.
When do franks tell insults? At a wienie roast!
What do you call a frozen frankfurter? A Chili dog.
When can a pizza marry a hot dog? After a very frank relationship.
What does a man consider a seven-course meal? A hot dog and a six pack of beer.
What do you call a hot dog with nothing inside it? A “hollow-weenie!”
What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one with everything.
When does a hot dog have a close shave? At the barber-cue!
What do get when you cross a chili pepper, steam shovel, and a Chihuahua? A hot, diggety dog.
What do you call a dog with a fever? A hot dog.
What has 100 teeth and eats wieners? A zipper!
What did the hot dog bun say to the hot dog? Stop touching my buns!
What did the Mama Hot Dog say to the little frankfurter? Ketch-up!
What do you give a dog with a fever?… Mustard, it’s the best thing for a hot dog.
What do you give a dog with a fever? Mustard, it's the best thing for a hot dog.
Why are hot dogs angry? Because they are always getting roasted.
What do you call a hot dog race? Wiener takes all.