What's grandma's favorite fruit?
a Ba-nana.
What do you get when you photocopy fruit?
Paper jam.
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
Strawberries are the most bullied of the fruits.
They're always getting picked on.
Ladies, if he can't appreciate your fruit jokes, you need to let that mango.
My wife just started an all-fruit diet.
There was enough food to make a mango crazy.
Fruit puns intended
Does he avacado? Because If not you should let that mango.
My friend exports the lilikoi fruit...
He says it’s his passion.
Did you know that Beethoven's favorite fruit
Ba Na Na Naaa...Ba Na Na Naaa...
My bag of fruit snacks had all grapes
Today’s gonna be a grape day!
What do you call 2 fruits that can't get married?
What do citrus fruits use to get dates?
Pickup limes.
Why would the fruits beat the vegetables?
They have a better punch.
Why are oranges the smartest fruit?
Because they are made to concentrate.
What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
A blood orange.
A storefront that boasts a fruit pun, just peachy.
The national news did a story on my friend's bumper crop of green citrus fruits.
He loves being in the limelight.
What's a vampire's favorite fruit?
A neck-tarine.
What’s a calendars favorite fruit?
I got fruit preserves on my finger.
Doctor said I was jammed.
Apparently there's a fruit that is naturally radioactive.
I think that's bananas!
What is the suckiest fruit?
A strawberry.
Be careful! Theres a deadly fruit on the loose
He has 7 charges of armed Strawbbery.
What’s the only fruit that never gets lonely?
A pear.
What do you get when you hghyphotocopy fruit?
Paper jam.
What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?
What's a vampire's favorite fruit?
A neck-tarine.
Why will the fruits beat the vegetables?
They have a better punch!
I got fruit preserves on my finger.
Doctor said it was jammed.
What is the national fruit of Afghanistan?
Did you know dried fruits favorite news segments is...
Current events.
A farmer complained that he didn't have enough fruit to make a living.
I told him he needs to grow a pear.
I saw a fruit running from the police recently
It was a water felon.