It was so hot that the bee's perm had become extremely unmanageable, so she turned into a frizzbee.
Did you hear about those really bad storms that hit that boy scout camp over night?
They were in tents.
What did one raindrop say to the other raindrop?
“My plop is bigger than your plop.”
With the kind of weather, it was almost certain that the bride-to-be would get a hoarse throat as she walked through the rain into her bridal shower.
Many people think that when warm droplets of water in the air are rapidly cooled it forms fog.
But it’s actually a common mist-conception.
A man went to the gym today and met up with his new personal rainer.
Why did the dad prefer driving in the rain?
Things ran more fluidly.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Accordion who?
Accordion to the forecast, it's going to rain tonight.
What happened when it started raining coins?
It knocked some sense (cents) into the world.
Why is rain the best kind of music?
Because it has amazing drops.
Q: What is a wind turbine’s favorite musical group?
A: Air Supply
Q: How does a butcher keep his tent up in a strong winds?
A: With steaks!
What’s a bigamist?
It’s what Italians call a thick fog.
I'm trying to think of a weather pun, but my mind's kinda cloudy now.
Q: Why does a hurricane wear a monocle?
A: It has only had one eye!
The weather man said there won’t be any rain for 6 months, but I drought it.
What do you call it when two people make a baby in fog?
A mist conception.
A bunch of chill-dren from the neighborhood played all afternoon in the snow.
Our weather bureau is actually an umbrella organization.
When moving a piece of furniture at the weather station, you'll be needing four casters.
There was a television channel ran by pets, the weather forecast was on and inclement weather was being predicted...
High chance of it raining cats and dogs, howling winds, and a possible purricane.
Want to hear a joke about weather?
Actually, never mind. I'll just save it for a rainy day.
What did the tornado say to the sports car?
Let's go for a spin!
What did fog do to make the captain angry? He mist the boat.
Why do cows lie on each other in the rain?
To keep each udder dry.
When can 3 elephants stand under 1 umbrella and not get wet?
When it’s not raining.
Q: What did the tree say to the wind?
A: Leaf me alone
Did you hear about the cow that was lifted into the air by a tornado? It was an udder disaster!
What is a tornado's favorite Elton John song? Candle in the Wind!
RIP boiled water.
You will be mist.
Why do you never see owls being affectionate in the rain? It's too wet to woo.
What do you call a storm that doesn't come to fruition?
A mist opportunity!
My wife asked me, “Did you fog up the bathroom mirror again?”
I said, “I don’t see myself doing that.”
What do you call an English rock band playing in the mist? Foghat.
I enjoy the cold weather
But only to a certain degree.
You can't blame anyone if you fall in your driveway due to snowy weather...
Because that's your own asphalt.
Why don’t Native Americans like to do rain dances in April anymore?
Because April showers bring Mayflowers.
I over boiled some venison broth earlier.
It was deerly mist.
What do you call dangerous precipitation?
A rain of terror.
What should you do if it starts raining cats and dogs?
Please seek shelters.
My glasses fogged up once I came out of the AC room last summer, but I was okay because I was opti-mistic.
Why was fog kicked off the football team? He mist a field goal.
What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?
Hailing taxis.
When does soil get rich?
When mother nature makes it rain.
What did the ghost knights say to the cloud king?
Our souls will rain forever.
A little boy asks his dad, “Why is it raining? Is the sky sad?”
The dad replies, “Yes, son, the sky is pretty blue.”
Even during thunderstorms, Santa can still deliver presents because raindeers fly his sleigh.
What did the baby cloud say to its mum when it rained? Sorry, mum, I couldn't hold it any longer.
Q: What do you call a freezing bird?
A: Brrrrrrrrrdddd
I don’t know if I got hit by freezing rain but it sure hurt like hail.