What do you call an English rock band playing in the mist? Foghat.
Why do skeletons hate how wind feels? Because it goes right through them!
What's the weather like in Mexico?
Chili today, hot tamale.
Why are people in big cities in Spain always dry?
Because the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Q: Why does it smell bad when you destroy fans?
A: Because you’re breaking wind.
Q: Why is it so windy in England?
A: Because Harry Kane (hurricane) lives there..
Local weather reports state there won't be any rain for 1 year, but I drought it.
Q; What’s the difference between origami and grandpa passing wind?
A: One is the art of the fold, the other, the fart of the old.
Nowadays, people drought the accuracy of weather men because the climatic patterns are so unpredictable.
The viking Rudolph the Red looked outside and proclaimed it was going to rain.
His wife asked him, “What makes you say that?”
He replied, “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”
A man went to the gym today and met up with his new personal rainer.
Q: What is the opposite of a cold front?
A: A warm back
What did one cloud of fog say to the other?
I don’t know. It’s a mistery.
Q: What did the cloud say to the lightning bolt?
A: You're shocking!
What was one raindrop overheard saying to another? Two's company, three's a cloud.
I tried playing baseball in the fog today.
It was a bit hit and mist.
A bunch of chill-dren from the neighborhood played all afternoon in the snow.
Q: Why couldn’t the boy keep his documents open when he left a window open in winter?
A: Because it was too Win+D
What happens before it rains candy? It sprinkles.
I'm feeling exceptionally alone in this cold weather. It's probably because I'm completely ice-olated.
A man once said when is Monday coming? His wife said Mon-soon.
Why do sailors eat shellfish when rain is forecast?
It’s the clam before the storm.
I thought I saw some fog yesterday.
But I guess my memory’s a little cloudy.
What falls all the time and never gets hurt? Rain.
Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open?
Because she expected some change in the weather.
What's all wet and likes to shake? It's an earthquake on a rainy day.
Our weather bureau is actually an umbrella organization.
Had a great weekend. Won the annual weather forecaster's championships!
I beat the raining champion.
Q: What do you call a windmill swallowed up by a tornado?
A: A wind meal
Due to bad weather, I won't be attending the Meteorology Convention.
I'm gonna take a rain-check.
Why is rain the best kind of music?
Because it has amazing drops.
Q: What do you call a freezing bird?
A: Brrrrrrrrrdddd
What did the rainwater say as it ran off the road.
I'm trying to think of a weather pun, but my mind's kinda cloudy now.
I was just telling my friend Michael Rains about my unfortunate allergy to my home-grown barley.
My grains give me migraines, Mike Rains.
I wanted to be a professional fortune-teller but I wasn't very good at it. I could only predict when there would be bad winter storms. Well, turns out I had been using a snow globe.
Rain doesn’t fall. Raindrops.
Q: What falls but never hits the ground?
A: The temperature
Q: What did the leaf say to the wind?
A: You really blew me away.
What words do windmills live by? One good turn deserves another!
Thunderstorms are shrewd investors. They put their money in a combination of frozen and liquid assets.
What do you call a storm that doesn't come to fruition?
A mist opportunity!
Yesterday’s weather forecast predicted freezing rain. However, it turned out to be quite an ice day.
Q: Why did the wind turbine blush?
A. It broke wind.
Q: What do you call a weatherman who farts while he pees?
A. Rain with a little wind and thunder.
Why did Iron Man sleep outside when it rained?
To get some rust.
Q: What did the wind turbine say to the engineer after he fixed him?
A: I’m a big fan of your work!
What is the difference between a wet day and a lion with a toothache? A wet day is pouring with rain, the other is roaring with pain.
You can’t predict wind speeds with certainty. The best you can do is make a gust-imate.
Did you hear about the cow that was lifted into the air by a tornado? It was an udder disaster!