What's all wet and likes to shake? It's an earthquake on a rainy day.
Why do you never see owls being affectionate in the rain? It's too wet to woo.
When can 3 elephants stand under 1 umbrella and not get wet?
When it’s not raining.
What did the ghost knights say to the cloud king?
Our souls will rain forever.
What does a ghost wear when it’s raining outside?
How does one raindrop ask another out? Water you doing tonight?
What do you call dangerous precipitation?
A rain of terror.
The best place meteorologists can stop to get a drink on their way home is the isobar.
Even during thunderstorms, Santa can still deliver presents because raindeers fly his sleigh.
What should you do if it starts raining cats and dogs?
Please seek shelters.
The weather man said there won’t be any rain for 6 months, but I drought it.
Knock Knock?
Who's there?
Hurricane who?
Hurry! Cane you jog away from the storm?
What do you call a camper driving through frozen rain?
Van Hailin’.
Why don’t Native Americans like to do rain dances in April anymore?
Because April showers bring Mayflowers.
Nowadays, people drought the accuracy of weather men because the climatic patterns are so unpredictable.
What do books wear on a wet and rainy day? Rain quotes.
Why didn’t the light rain hit the target?
It just mist.
Yesterday’s weather forecast predicted freezing rain. However, it turned out to be quite an ice day.
With the kind of weather, it was almost certain that the bride-to-be would get a hoarse throat as she walked through the rain into her bridal shower.
There are so many puppies and kitties around the neighbourhood. Perhaps it is because it has been raining cats and dogs for hours.
Sorry for raining on your parade, I really thought it'd be snow problem.
I was just telling my friend Michael Rains about my unfortunate allergy to my home-grown barley.
My grains give me migraines, Mike Rains.
What is the difference between a wet day and a lion with a toothache? A wet day is pouring with rain, the other is roaring with pain.
What does a spy do in the rain?
He goes undercover.
What do you call a dinosaur that got stuck in the rain?
A driplodocus.
When is Monday coming?
What happened when it started raining coins?
It knocked some sense (cents) into the world.
What did one raindrop say to the other raindrop?
“My plop is bigger than your plop.”
Ensure you save for the rainy day because even your closest friends can give you a cold shoulder.
What do you call a month’s worth of rain?
Thunderstorms are shrewd investors. They put their money in a combination of frozen and liquid assets.
The main difference between the weather and a horse is that one rains down while the other is reined up.
What is known as the world's wettest animal? Rain-deer.
What do you call a baby owl stuck in the rain?
A moist owlette.
When we were young, we had this myth that lightning bolts go all the way to cloud 9.
When is it raining money? Whenever there's 'change' in the weather.
When it was raining yesterday, I saw a man use ketchup and I got quite shocked. It is only later that I learnt he was taking advantage of the raining cats and hot dogs.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Butter who?
Butter get an umbrella, it looks like it's going to rain!
It’s raining cats and dogs outside.
I think I just stepped in a poodle.
When the storm begun, the garden party became a bit disorganized and food service was turned to a frost come frost served.
What happens before it rains candy? It sprinkles.
Does all this rain make you want an ark?
I Noah guy.
A man went to the gym today and met up with his new personal rainer.
What do you call a bear that’s stuck out in the rain?
A drizzly bear.
A man once said when is Monday coming? His wife said Mon-soon.
What did the evaporating raindrop say?
I’m going to pieces.
Why did Iron Man sleep outside when it rained?
To get some rust.
I don’t know if I got hit by freezing rain but it sure hurt like hail.
Why do sailors eat shellfish when rain is forecast?
It’s the clam before the storm.
What’s the difference between a horse and wet weather?
One reigns up and the other rains down.