Everyone said the wind was powerful. So, I went outside and was blown away.
Q: Why is it so windy in England?
A: Because Harry Kane (hurricane) lives there..
What is a tornado's favorite Elton John song? Candle in the Wind!
What is a tornado's favorite movie? Gone With the Wind!
Q: Why does it smell bad when you destroy fans?
A: Because you’re breaking wind.
Wind turbines don’t talk about much. They just shoot the breeze.
Wind energy is so popular. It has a lot of fans.
Q: Why do windmills love loud, heavy rock music?
A: They’re metal fans.
Q: Where can a tornado be jailed?
A: In a high pressure cell.
The wind is following a new workout program. It’s called air conditioning.
Why do skeletons hate how wind feels? Because it goes right through them!