Please wait, bewitcha in a minute.
What's a goblins favorite dinner?
What is a zombie that speaks two languages?
Why are ghouls so healthy?
They always eat fresh food!
Why didn’t the zombie stay in town?
There was a new head strong sherif in town!
Did you hear about the ghoul who had eight arms?
He was very handy!
What is the difference between a deer running away and a small witch?
One is a hunted stag and one is a stunted hag!
How do ghosts take their eggs? Terri-fried.
What happened when Frankenstein’s monster first met his girlfriend?
It was love at first fright.
This zombie kept cutting the line so I gave her a piece of my mind.
She said it was yummy.
How do ghouls like their meals?
Absolutely terrified!
Draw me like one of your French ghouls.
What’s Frankenstein’s favorite food?
What do you call a fast broomstick?
A vroom-stick.
Did you hear about the zombie after-school club?
It's dead in that place.
Why do ghosts like elevators? They raise their spirits.
What did the tired witch do?
She sat down for a spell.
Ghosts are terrible liars because you can see right through them.
Live to tell the tail.
What do you call it when the Bigfoot in charge makes pasta for all the others?
Alpha Yeti Spaghetti!
Did you hear about the vampire who only had one fang?
He just had to grin and bare it.
Stealthy minotaurs are always camooflauged.
Who do vampires buy their cookies from? The Ghoul Scouts
What's a werewolf healed from Lycanthropy?
Over the moon.
What kind of dog did Frankenstein want for Christmas?
A lab.
Why did king Minos put Minotaur inside a labyrinth?
He wanted to amaze his wife.
A barber, a hairdresser, and Bigfoot walk into a bar...
You know what...I'm gonna shave this joke for another time.
Why do skeletons hate the cold?
It sends chills up their spine.
Why couldn’t the police arrest the skeleton?
They couldn’t pin anything on him.
Where do werewolves store their things?
In a were-house.
You hear about the werewolf who majored in philosophy?
Now he's a whywolf
What is a zombie’s favorite shampoo?
Head & Shoulders.
What does a ghoul say when they wake up?
Gaaarrrh I love the smell of ghoul in the morning!
How do you know if you are dealing with a smart zombie?
They are wearing helmets!
Why don't zombies eat comedians?
They taste funny.
Why do some zombies only eat the rich?
They are in the mood for something gore-met.
What’s a vampire’s favorite holiday?
Dr. Frankenstein: Igor, have you seen my latest invention? It’s a new pill consisting of 50 percent glue and 50 percent aspirin.
Igor: But what is it for?
Dr. Frankenstein: For monsters with splitting headaches.
How do you kill a troll?
Take away its internet access.
Did you hear about the skeleton who dropped out of medical school?
He didn’t have the stomach for it.
What did daddy ghoul say to his youngest son?
Stop ghouling around!
What did the giant say to Jack when he caught him sneaking around his castle?
"Have you bean stalking me?"
Why do Ghosts avoid the rain? It dampens their spirits.
What did the zombie say when he failed the exam?
- I didn't have enough brains.
What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray.
What do witches' cats like to have for breakfast?
Mice crispies.
What do zombies call a battle between classical music composers where one of them loses their mind?
A de-Bach-le.
What does a vampire do after taking a shower?
It stands on a bat mat.
A vampire returned a mirror to my shop the other day. It wasn't faulty or anything, he just said he couldn't see himself using it.
Vampires are not even real. Unless you Count Dracula.