Did you hear about the Elf booted from the chorus?
He couldn't Fa-la-la-la-long.
What do you call a 2D fairy?
What do gnomes love to sing while gardening?
Gnome Worry, Bee Happy.
When the elves are clapping for their boss, we call it Santapplause.
What goes inside elves’ pointy shoes?
Their mistletoes.
What do you get if you cross a gnome and a tauren?
A mini-taur.
Six out of seven dwarfs aren’t Happy.
"Whale, what do we have here?" said the mermaid.
What kind of pictures do elves love to paint?
Shes a fairy realistic person.
Uni-corn? I though that’s what you call a single grain or maize.
What do you call a philosophical fairy?
Even as unicorn parents, you always want to control the internet unless you want your foals checking
out uniporn all day.
I hate how all my fairy photographs have really bad quality.
They’re all so pixielated.
Why cant a dwarf be depressed?
Because they are compressed.
Would you call a guy who’s eating corn while riding a unicycle a unicorn on the cob?
What happens if an elf catches you being naughty?
Yule be sorry!
What do you get from a dwarf cow?
Condensed milk.
You'd think seeing a mermaid in real life would be terrifying, but it wasn't half as bad.
How many gnomes does it take to change a lightbulb?
It takes a village!
What did the fairy say to the other fairy?
It’s fairy nice to meet you!
What did the elf tell its friends when they were traveling?
"Let’s take an elfie."
What lives at the North Pole and is green, white, and red all over?
A sunburned elf!
What do you call a dwarf who sells prosthetic limbs?
A small arms dealer.
What happens to elves who misbehave?
They get the sack.
How many elves does it take to change a light bulb?
Ten! One to change the light bulb and nine to stand on each other's shoulders!
You seem a little mer-mad.
I'm investigating the tooth fairy, and it's going well...
I've managed to get a molar into her operation. I'm going to find out the tooth at the root of all this.
Fairies just spell trouble.
Why do gnomes make such great secretaries?
Because they’re good at shorthand.
Why did the gnome take the subway to work?
Because a metro-gnome is always on time.
All right, everyone, that’s enough! Gno more games!
The ocean doesn't like to say hello, it just waves.
Why did some of the elves spell Christmas as N-O-E? Because Santa said No L!
Why would a judge make a good tooth fairy?
Because they want the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth.
What do gnome standup comedians call a tiny pun?
We've all heard about elf on a shelf, but have you ever heard of troll on a poll?
What kind of elf lives in a soda can?
A Sprite!
Did you hear about the forgetful unicorn mom? She kept feeding her kids milk of amnesia.
What did the fish say to the mermaid?
- Have a fintastic day!
I expected a call last night, so I slept with my phone under my pillow.
When I woke up it was gone, and there was a dollar coin in its place?!
Must have been the Bluetooth Fairy...
Why did the pre-pubescent dragon lose the rap battle?
He couldn't spit hot fire yet.
What kind of underwear does a math-obsessed mermaid wear?
An algae bra.
What do pixies use to clean their teeth?
Fairy floss.
What type of elf has the most books?
A bookshelf.
They aren’t gnome for their humor.
What’s the best way to catch unicorns? Simple, by herding them all to one corner.
Did you hear about the gnome rogue?
Of course not, that g is silent!