What is a baby sasquatch's favorite toy?
His Yeti Bear!
Why did Frankenstein’s monster go to a psychiatrist?
He thought he had a screw loose.
What do you call a skeleton who hangs out in coffee shops and listens to indie music?
A hip-ster.
Why did the witch's team lose the cricket game?
Their bats flew away.
Take a vampire to a bar, and you don't need to ask what he wants to drink. He'll have a Bloodweiser.
What do you call a Minotaur in a playground?
A swing and a myth.
What do you call a male witch?
The skeleton didn't mind that everyone called him a bonehead.
What do ghouls say to each other before heading out for Halloween?
May the ghouls be with you!
Why is it good to drink witch's brew?
It's very newt-tricious!
This zombie kept cutting the line so I gave her a piece of my mind.
She said it was yummy.
Werewolves love similes and metafurs.
What do you call a one-inch zombie?
Tomb thumb!
What kind of dog did Frankenstein want for Christmas?
A lab.
What did the ghoul say to the clown on Halloween?
Tag, you’re it!
How do French skeletons say hello?
- Bone-jour!
I met an annoying squid who wanted to become a comedian.
He wouldn’t stop kraken jokes.
What did the zombie call the girl he was dating?
His ghoul-friend.