When the ghost watched a sad movie he started boo-hooing.
Who do vampires buy their cookies from? The Ghoul Scouts
What you call the Ghost of a Chicken? Poultry-geist.
What's a ghost with a broken leg called? A hoblin goblin.
What do you do when a ton of ghosts show up at your house? Hope that it’s Halloween!
What kind of key does a ghost use to unlock his room? A spoo-key.
What sound do you hear when a Ghost explodes? kaBOOm!
What happened to the man who didn’t pay his exorcist? His house was repossessed.
I found out yesterday that the Mexican dish ghosts like the most is a boo-ritto.
What do ghosts use to keep their hair in place? Scare-spray!
What do you call a dull ghost? Boo-ring!
What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? He is mist.
What does the Ghost say when he sneezes? - Ach-ooooooooooooooooooooo!
I feel like I have seen that ghost before...I must have deja boo.
What’s a monster’s favorite play? Romeo and Ghouliet.
Where did the ghost go on holiday? The Boohamas.
Who did the ghost take to prom? His ghoulfriend.
What kind of writer did the ghost hire to write his biography? A ghostwriter, duh.
Why did the ghost go to the big Labor Day sale? He’s a bargain haunter.
Which car is a Ghost’s favourite? It is between a Boogatti or a Rolls-Royce Phantom.
How do ghosts take their eggs? Terri-fried.
Where do ghosts go trick or treating? Dead ends.
What do you call the ghost of a door-to-door salesman? A dead ringer.
Where does a ghost go on vacation? Mali-boo.
What do you call a ghost of a man with a broken leg? A hobblin’ goblin.
Who did the ghost invite to his party? Any old friend he could dig up.
Why do ghosts like elevators? They raise their spirits.
What do you call a little ghost with a torn sheet? A hole-y terror.
Why did the game warden arrest the ghost? No haunting license.
The best place for a ghost to go on holiday is The Dead Sea.
What did the ghost buy at the bar? Boos!
Why do Ghosts avoid the rain? It dampens their spirits.