How did brave Ancient Egyptians write?
With hero-glyphics.
What's a mummy's favorite song?
Walk Like An Egyptian.
Who said that the pyramids are the tallest structure in Egypt? They are just between pyra-highs and pyra-lows.
My history textbook says that the pharoh of Egypt used slaves to build the pyramids.
Which is kind of weird considering he could've just used bricks or something.
I once played chess with an Egyptian King...
...I was distracted for a moment, and when I turned around he was blatantly attempting to cheat. I told him that that wasn't very pharaoh.
Q: Why are mummies such great spies?
A: They keep things under wraps
Q: Why was the Pharaoh wet?
A: He was the reigning ruler.
When do mummies eat breakfast?
Once they catch you.
What is the best job for a mummy during holidays? A gift wrapper.
Who does a dead pharaoh talk to?
His mummy.