My wife and I got married under a cell phone tower.
The ceremony wasn't great, but the reception was perfect.
Why did the hobbit set his cell phone to vibrate?
He was afraid the ring would give him away.
I almost had a predicament trying to call someone in the same room as me. It was a close call.
The umpire kept answering his phone during the softball game.
He said he didn't want to miss any calls.
What brand of hand soap do telephone operators use? Dial.
You know you're texting too much when...
you try to text, but you're on a landline!
Why did a pirate leave the boat to get his forgotten cell phone? Booty calls.
How does a pirate communicate? With his aye phone.
I named my phone "The Titanic" because it's always syncing.
4G, or not 4G, that is the question.
I fell asleep on my phone the other day. It downloaded a nap.
Apple is announcing a new cell phone for children.
iKid you not.
What is a phone's favorite TV show? Game of Phones.
What did the girl say when she got a fake call? "I think that call was phoney".
If they could prove cell phones give deadly radiation
You could say to people you don't like "cant talk right now, you're giving me cancer".
What did the therapist say to the angry client when their cell phone battery died?
I suggest you find an outlet!