I like to write jokes down and store them on my phone, so that I can tell them to him later.
I call it my Dad-abase.
What do you call a loud conversation? A megaphone.
Someone just called my phone, sneezed and then just hung up.
I am getting sick and tired of these cold calls.
What kind of phone does a burglar use?
A no-key-a.
I fell asleep on my phone the other day. It downloaded a nap.
Why don't birds make cell phone calls? They might accidentally wing the wrong number.
What do a phone and an engaged girl have in common? They both have rings.
How does a pirate communicate? With his aye phone.
My husband asked me to sync his phone. So I threw it in the sea - not sure why he is upset.
How come the mummy doesn't want a telephone? Because he always gets too wrapped up on his calls.
What group of people always had the highest cell phone bills?
The Romans.
Since getting sober, I decided to go with the cheapest cell phone provider I can find!
Way fewer bars!!!
You might be able to use a smuggled cell phone in prison.
You just have to have cell coverage.
4G, or not 4G, that is the question.
What brand of hand soap do telephone operators use? Dial.
What did the phone say to begin the race?
On your marks, handset, go!