What goes inside elves’ pointy shoes?
Their mistletoes.
Did you hear about the Elf booted from the chorus?
He couldn't Fa-la-la-la-long.
Where do elves vote?
The North Poll.
What kind of elf lives in a soda can?
A Sprite!
If an elf can’t do something right now, how do they handle it?
Shelf it for later.
What did the elf tell its friends when they were traveling?
"Let’s take an elfie."
What does Santa use after trimming his beard?
What do elves use in the kitchen when they are cooking?
Kitchen u-tinsels!
What do you call an elf that joins the 11 other elves in Santa’s workshop?
The twelf!
Why did some of the elves spell Christmas as N-O-E? Because Santa said No L!
Why are elves so cold at Christmas?
Because it's in Decembrrrrr.
What kind of money do elves use?
Cold cash!
What do elves learn when they go to school?
The elf-abet.
What kind of motorbike do elves ride to work?
A Holly Davidson!
What kind of bread do elves use to make sandwiches?
Why shortbread of course!
Did you hear about the new holistic elf doctor?
He's a gnome-opath!
What kind of money do elves always use?
Jingle bills!
What language do they teach at Elf School?
North Polish!
We've all heard about elf on a shelf, but have you ever heard of troll on a poll?
Why did the elf use a duck to wake him on Christmas morning?
So he could be up at the quack of dawn!
Did you hear about the elf that quit Santa's workshop?
He was a rebel without a Claus.
"Santa’s pretty stelfy going down the chimney, don’t you think?" said one elf to another.
What would you call an elf with lots of money?
What kind of pictures do elves love to paint?
Did you hear about the elf who was a little hard of hearing?
She had to keep saying "Sleigh, what?"