A friend of mine was describing an exotic bird to me and asked what was orange and sounded like a parrot. I told him, "A carrot".
What do you call the guy who draws pictures of criminal suspects? A con artist.
What happened when the artist tried to draw a cube? He suffered from a mental block.
What do zombies use to color their hair?
Dye of the dead!
I was surprised that although I was supposed to be feeling blue, my heart was not that heavy. Perhaps, I am feeling light blue.
Elephant boxing matches are very difficult to watch. It becomes tough to identify as both have grey trunks!
Why can't a tattoo artist be faithful? Because he always has designs on his clients.
Q. What did the bully do to the orange?
A. Beat him to a pulp.
What did the artist ask the preschooler? Can you count to pen?
The coffee shop owner was afraid. He wanted to know if the shop had ground to operate in the black.
The color turquoise was judged as the best new color because it was cyantifically proven to be.
Theatre costumes must be handled with care since they're often laced with something.
Why does everyone paint Easter Eggs? Because it is a lot easier than wallpapering them.
A friend of mine swallowed some food colouring. He feels he dyed a little inside.
The painter did not want to sit idle because he knew that time white for no one.
I told the artist that his painting was terrible. I think he got the picture.
I was going to joke about my broken pencil, but it was pointless.
The artist painted himself into a corner, leading to his death.
I was watching a movie when the screen started to emit blue light. Guess this is one of the cons of watching movies on Blue Ray.
There are two people who both claim to live in the building where Shakespeare wrote Romeo & Juliet. They should put a plaque on both their houses.
I'd hate to be the bearer of bad blues.
If art became imprisoned we'd have to Freda art.
Artists know how to draw the line, so you can't really peer pressure them.
We should've guessed the failed postman wouldn't be any better at delivering his acting lines.
What did the painter say to the wall? Another crack like that and I'll have to plaster you!
The painter wanted to feel the texture, so he buttered his toast with his fingers.
If you photograph your pimples, is zit art?
My dad and I saw this girl with a colorful backpack covered in pot leaves
He turned to me and said "thats a dope backpack". He is catching onto my slang.
I gave someone directions to a theater today
I guess I am a movie director now.
A friend has joined a blonds only theatre group. Fair play to him.
What did the angry artist say? Don't get me arted!
Which barnyard animal is a famous painter?
Vincent Van Goat
My friend told me he had to leave the play after Act l. Knowing he'd waited forever to see it, I asked him why. He said the program stated that Act ll was two years later, and he refused to wait that long.
The stage is the most hygienic place in the world. Every time we turn on the lights they get a wash.
Why did Van Gogh become a painter? Because he just didn't have an ear for music.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I ain't no poet, but neither are you.
I went to a theater performance done on a bunch of dictionaries the other day...
It was a play on words.
Why did the artist go to the lounge? Because it was her comfort tone.
My sister was diagnosed as color blind. The revelation really came out of the blue.
What do you call a crimson-colored fish wearing a hat?
A red herring...
Never date a Theater person...
... wayyy too much Drama...
Q. What do you get when a swine artist mixes two colors together?
A. Pigment.
Why was the museum curator so good at judging paintings and sculptures? He was talented at art official intelligence.
10 saxophone players blew up a theatre...
authorities are on the lookout for the tenorists.
While the blues musician performed his most famous song, balloons of every color were released in the arena. Guess we may get to call it the 'House of Hues'.
I just beat my friend in a Wild West themed art race!
I was quicker to the draw.
The graphic designer's present company gave her a substantial raise while a rival company also gave a similar offer. I am now caught in hue minds!
My friend can't afford expensive art, she has no Monet.
Jack is a lovable man with a colorful personality. He is a great hue-man.
A bear's least favorite pastry at any party is the blue bear-y pie.