What did the Minotaur order at Starbucks?
I heard Medusa looked really pretty.
In fact, her looks were stunning.
What do you call a very active hydra?
- Hey, graduate student Minotaur, what are you up to today?
- Not much, just working on my Theseus.
THE KRAKEN: Yes, I'd like to renew my lease, please.
LANDLORD: Re-lease the Kraken!
What do you call a half man half horse in the middle of an army formation?
The centaur of attention.
I wish medusa would stop objectifying people.
Why do Minotaurs make terrible detectives?
Because they hate to go on steak-outs!
Why did the kraken eat 5 ships that were carrying potatoes?
Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.
What did the giant octopus say to the pirate ship?
- What’s Kraken?
Within the labyrinthine bureaucracy prowls the deadly Adminotaur.
Never believe minotaurs...
Half of everything they say is bull.
What was the most common game played by Greek Gods?
Hydra and seek.
These sea monster jokes are so funny.
They had me kraken!
When a Minotaur considers himself an optimist is it that he sees his glass as half-bull?
Why did the ad agency hire a hydra?
She knew how to wear many different hats.
What do you call a small Minotaur?
A Minitaur.