I thought of premeditated murder and a flash mob of crows came to my mind.
Who was the criminal crow running from? The cawps.
My friend asked me how my pet crow communicates…
I replied, “Microwaves”.
What did one crow say to the other after the party?
We were raven.
What do you call it when a raven marries a crow? A conspiracy to commit to murder.
What do you call a room full of crows? Crowded.
Crows have 16 feather pinions and ravens have 17 pinions. It's just a matter of a pinion.
What is the popular computer game that crows play? Caw of Duty!
A gang of ravens scared off individual crows and cornered them together. Well, you can say that a conspiracy of ravens preplanned a murder of crows.
What's an albino crow called? A caw-casian.
What does a chocolate crow say? “Cacao!”
What is a crows favorite vegetable?
Corn on the caawb.
What did the pig do when it came to a pork in the road? It pigged the road less traveled.
On Halloween night a group of crows decided to enact a scene from the play Julius Ceaser, they were enacting the caw-nspiracy scene.
When buying crows for commercial use, always buy them in groups...
That way, you’re guaranteed to make a killing.
Ever heard of Cawsmopolitan? It is one of the best magazines for crows.
What would a crow wear to the Halloween party? A crown!
What did the nervous crow do? The crow proceeded with caw-tion.
How does an antisocial crow say about a family party? "It was murder".
What did the crow decide to dress up as on Halloween? As a scarecrow.
I hate getting into arguments with farmers about the best methods for keeping crows away.
They always resort to straw man arguments.
The cawllarborne of the skinny crow was so pronounced.
I use a crow to wake me up in the morning.
There’s caws for alarm.
What do you call a group of dyslexic crows?
A redrum.
Why was the crow on the telephone wire? To make a long-distance caw.
Which bird is the most contented? The crow, because he never complains without caws.
How will a crow with a cold fever sound like? Caw-ph, Caw-ph.
What do birds like to put in their soup? Crow-tons.
A group of crows drooling over a pastry is called a-tempted murder.
A crow was arrested under suspicion of murder. The case was closed, as the judge said he had just caws.
Went on a walk today. Had a couple of crows following me around. I'm pretty sure I have the corvid.
A group of crows is usually called a 'murder.' Technically, it's only a manslaughter unless there is probable caws.
One of my friends who hates crows, looked at a flock of crows, I saw murder in his eyes.
No, I'm not concerned about crows infesting my house...
It's actually just a mynah problem.
Crows organized a cawnfrences, to discuss the upcoming project.
Where do crows try their luck?
My friend uses a white crow to protect his farm from other crows
He calls it a rarecrow
Which Halloween treat is going to keep a crow up all night? A crowfee apple.
Wondering what crows prefer with soup, crows like crowtons in their soup.
My pet raven, Poe, started coughing... thought it was Corvid-19, but then the bird flu away. Think I will see him nevermore.
What do crows take for their gut issues? crow-biotics.
Wondering what crows wear during Halloween, well, they wear caw-stumes.
Why was the crow upset about his job? The HR fired the crow with no caws.
Have you ever heard of the Crows Law Of Energy Conservation?
It's also known as the Law of Caws and Effect.
I whisper my sins to crows
So my parents can't hear me confess to a murder
What kind of ice cream do pigs like best?
Hoggin Daz!
A bunch of crows ganged up and killed a chicken.
It was a murder most fowl.
What did the teenage crow want for his birthday? A brand new caw!
What do you call a Spanish pig?
Sometimes we eat a crow while other times we eat Croatia.