Have you heard Mariah Kleenex's big holiday single?
It's called "I Don't Want a Snot for Christmas"
How do you make a tissue paper dance?
You put a little boogie in it!
What did pharaohs use to wipe?
What did the flirty napking say to the dinner guests?
"Let me sit on your lap"
Made a shoe out of tea bags for my wife, she said she needed to wipe her nose.
"Which hand do you wipe with?"
""I don't use my hands, I use toilet paper."
Which one of Sneezy’s kids hid his tissue paper?
Runny Knows!
My neighbour didn't like it when I told him off about hoarding toilet paper
To be honest, I think he was being very anal about it.
Ran out of toilet paper today. We’re now using lettuce leaves.
Today was just the tip of the iceberg. Tomorrow romaines to be seen.
This flu season, doctors are recommending you wipe your throat down with tissues.
Apparently they're synonymous with clean necks.
Why do toilet paper rolls have trust issues?
They're always getting ripped off.
Stores are running out of toilet paper again.
They’re wiped out.
"Have you seen our toilet roll?" asked my wife.
"Don't be silly," I replied.
"A toilet is a stationary object."
I ran out of toilet paper last week, tried the closest thing I could find: the newspapers. Now the realisation has kicked in...
The Times are really Rough!
Toilet paper plays an important roll in my life, it would be pretty sh**ty without it.
Once we were so poor, we only had a calendar to use as toilet paper.
Now those days are behind me.
My youngest needed a diaper change, so my wife called down from upstairs, "Can you throw up some wipes?"
"I'm not sure," I replied. "I haven't eaten any."
Why didn’t the toilet paper cross the road?
Because it got stuck in a crack.
Why do they put lotion in tissues?
To soften the blow.
I had to wait in line for 20 minutes just to buy some really cheap toilet paper!
It was a pain in the a**
What do you call a disabled paper towel?
A napkan't.
Having to wipe with a hemorrhoid is a pain in the a**.
Why could the toilet paper not stop?
Because it was on a role.
What do you call related toilet rolls that sleep together?
I made a bridge out of Kleenex.
I have truss tissues.
I used my credit card to buy 1-ply toilet paper.
And now I'm paying for it.
Why didn't the toilet paper finish the race?
Because it was wiped out.
Why did the toilet paper role down the hill?
To get to the bottom...
How does a napkin sneeze?
What do you call the second tissue paper?
I will only give someone a kleenex if I've known them for a long time.
I guess you could say I have trust-tissues.
What do you call a sleeping paper towel?
A napkin.
I thought I broke my leg when I tripped over a box of Kleenex last night
But the doctor said it's only tissue damage.
How do you work out how many rolls of toilet paper are in 4 packets of 16?
I dislike toilet paper because...
They're tearable.
My family and I like to sleep during the day.
They are my napkin.
A man has to go, but has no toilet paper. His friend says to wipe with a dollar. He comes back all dirty, so his friend asks "What is that horrible smell?". So the man says,
"Hard to wipe with 3 quarters, 2 dimes and a nickel"