What do you call a flower with a mouth?
How do you beat a robot in a fist fight
Socket in the jaw.
We all have that one vegan friend.... I said to mine,"Do you have to mention vegetables every time you open your mouth?"
She said, "Not neccecelery."
What is your mouth’s favorite exercise?
Singing in the shower is all fun and games until you get soap in your mouth.
Then it becomes a soap opera.
My little sister came to my room with a lighbulb in her mouth. I asked her "what in the world are you doing?"
She said "I'm having a light snack."
"What's with that fruit taped to your mouth?" the doctor asked. "Covid-19 prevention," the patient replied.
"You need a bandana, not a banana!"
Rich people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
But polite french people are born with a s'il vous plaît.
Some people think it's okay to wear your mask over your mouth while not covering your nose.
They're mouthbreathers.
I got punched in the mouth by a drug addict today.
Now my jaw’s all methed up.
What does a drunkard's mouth and a shirt have in common?
They are both 100% cotton.
What is red and not good for your teeth?
A brick.
I inshtalled my shelf wrong and it fell on top of me, breaking my jaw. Now I shound weird.
I guesh I only have myshelf to blame.
To all the people that don't cover their mouths then they cough.
You make me sick.
My friend keeps joking about the thing he has to wear to cover his mouth while he's exercising outside.
It's a running gag.
If Colgate kills 99.9% of bacterias in mouth, what does Colgate sensitive do?
It kills 99.9% without hurting their feelings.
what does Stalin use to wipe his mouth?
A Soviette.
I had a jaw-dropping experience.
Sadly, it was radium poisoning.
How did the hipster burn his mouth?
He ate his food before it was cool.
Did you hear about the football player with the dirty mouth?
Yeah. He was an offensive lineman.
What makes your mouth sad?
A tongue depressor.
I saw a friend of mine named Ella sit down to eat a fillet of salmon. As she lifted the fork to her mouth I screamed NO DON’T EAT THAT!
When she asked why I responded “you’ll get salmon-Ella!”
My son elbowed me in the mouth during a tickle fight
But that's ok. It was acci-dental.
Why do seals carry fish in their mouth?
Because they don't have pockets.
What do emo birds call their mouths?
I accidentally injured my girlfriend with a mouth organ.
I really didn't mean to harm Monica.
What did the skeleton say to the French soldier? Bone Jaw
Did you hear about the guy who got a metal jaw replacement?
I think he just did it for a tin chin.
How do medieval cathedrals clean their mouths before bedtime?
They gargoyle.
There's a South American country where they have a rare pepper. Instead of being hot when you eat it, it makes your mouth feel cold.
It's called the Chilly Chile Chili.
I accidentally sprayed deodorant in my mouth.
Now when I talk I have a weird axe scent.
What do you call an Amish Man whose hand is in a horse’s mouth?
A mechanic.