When you’re smooching with your honey, and your nose is kinda runny, you may think it’s kinda funny, but it snot.
You make miso happy.
How do you get a teddy bear across the border?
You snuggle it across.
"You bake me crazy."
What's the deal with people who refuse to embrace technology?
Answers on a postcard please.
You’re udder-ly perfect.
I’ll always be running-back to you.
Their romance started by candlelight.
But it only lasted a wick.
Are you a beaver? ‘Cause dam.
Why were the melon lovers sad?
Because they cantaloupe.
I get a real kick out of you.
I always find artists romantic because when they love you, they do it with all their art.
Life without you would be un-bear-able.
Let’s commit the perfect crime together.
I’ll steal your heart and you can steal mine.
What do you call a person who illegally delivers hugs from country to country?
An international snuggler
How did the telephone propose to his girl?
Duh, ain’t it obvious? He gave her a ring!
What did the salad lover say to his girlfriend?
You will Romaine in my heart forever ?
If you really want to get a date at a restaurant, it’s always nice to cut to the cheese.
What did the painter say to his wife? "I love you with all my art!"
I'm reading a romance book in Braille.
I don't think I'll finish. It's too touchy feely for me.
My gay lover asked me if date night was optional.
I said no, it's a mandate
What sound do hedgehogs make when they kiss?
What did the astronaut’s fiancé say when he proposed to her in open outer space? She said, “I can’t breathe!”
One thing you never want to do is divorce a butcher.
That would be a huge missed steak.
Some bunny loves you.
Why shouldn't you kiss anyone on January 1st?
Because it's only the first date
What did the lipstick say after he let down his friend?
I’ll make it up to you.
Sloths never kiss on the first date, they take it slow.
I always have a souper time with you.
I started dating her when she backed her car into mine at the mall.
I guess you could say we totally met by accident.
From one vegan to another – I think you’re fern-tastic, and I’ll never leaf you baby.
What did the patient with the broken leg say to their doctor?
Hey doc, I have a crutch on you.
Never has there been a more romantic story than how those two geologists met.
It was lava at first sight.
My counselor gave me a hug today
I guess I got shrinkwrapped
I love all my computer brands and sometimes give ’em smooches.
But I never kiss Intel.
Its ok to kiss a nun....
But don't get into the habit.
What is the cutest car?
A BM-cuddle-U
Sorry if this is extra cheesy, but you have a pizza my heart.
We make a great pear
I have bean thinking about you.
I have bean
thinking about you.
The cat’s out of the bag – I love you purry much.
My little girl just asked for a goodnight kiss on her nose....
I said I can't kiss that thing it smells!
I cannoli be happy
If you get married out on sea or in a boat...
is that a row-mance?
Why do accountants make good lovers?
They're great with figures.
What is a dairy product like as a partner?
They’re your butter half.
I think you’re incredi-bowl.
What do you call someone that's hungry for some cuddles?
What is a cat lover's favourite tree?
A juni-purr.