You are in my heart, my mind, and in my entire body.
In fact, my doctor says that you must be a parasite!
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Olive.
Olive, who?
Olive you, and I don’t care who knows it!
I love you with all my butt.
I would say my heart, but it is just not as big. (wink wink where my curvy booties at?!)
Or maybe it’s baseball players because they’re so great at hitting it off.
I love you and I ain’t lion.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive you! and I want the whole world to know it.
What did one leaf say to the other leaf?
I’ve fallen for you.
I love all my computer brands and sometimes give ’em smooches.
But I never kiss Intel.
Whenever two vegetarians fall in love, you know that’s going to be a great pear. Now lettuce celebrate, because we all love vegetables.
What do you get if your lovers soul was trapped in a sword for all eternity?
A babe-blade.
You are the coffee to my espresso and I love you a latte.
Never has there been a more romantic story than how those two geologists met.
It was lava at first sight.
Being in love is a lot like central heating in your home.
You turn it on just before your guests come over and pretend that your house is always like this.
Which sea creature gives the best hugs?
A cuttlefish
Their romance started by candlelight.
But it only lasted a wick.
I don’t know about you, but I think helicopter rescue pilots have the best pick-up lines.
What did the fruit lover say after he met a girl?
I’ve got a date
How do you kiss someone at the end of the world?
On the apoca-lips.
I always find artists romantic because when they love you, they do it with all their art.
"Did you hear how the baker proposed to his girlfriend?"
"Yeah, he told her he loafed her more than life itself"
"No, he actually told her how much he kneaded her"
My gay lover asked me if date night was optional.
I said no, it's a mandate
You are like my asthma.
You just take my breath away.
I’ll always be running-back to you.
I pitcher us together forever.
If you really want to get a date at a restaurant, it’s always nice to cut to the cheese.
How do you get a teddy bear across the border?
You snuggle it across.
What is a cat lover's favourite tree?
A juni-purr.
What did the koala say to his girlfriend?
I love you-calpytus.
Let’s commit the perfect crime together.
I’ll steal your heart and you can steal mine.
Let’s spend some koala-ty time together.
Are you a beaver? ‘Cause dam.
Why are volcanos so nice?
They lava you.
When girls say they want a guy who can sweep them off their feet...
they do know that there’s a janitor ready for the job, right?
Why is it so hard for people with asthma to have exciting dates?
The last thing you want is someone to take your breath away!
I think you’re incredi-bowl.
I like to crouch down, hug my knees and lean forward.
That's just how I roll
My little girl just asked for a goodnight kiss on her nose....
I said I can't kiss that thing it smells!
There might be other fish in the sea, but you’re my sole mate
What do you get when you kiss a diseased bird?
Cherpies, but don't worry.
It's tweetable.
Sloths never kiss on the first date, they take it slow.
What did the grilled cheese say to the frying pan?
You make me melt.