What should you double check when buying an electric car?
That your driving license is current.
Did you hear about the submarine industry?
It really took a dive...
When I asked the bus driver for directions, it was a 'bus stop' service!
49. What does a child car play with?
Ship Captain: Guys, I need help. I don’t remember how to write 2 in Roman numerals.
Crew: I I Captain.
51. What does a car yell when something goes wrong?
‘Jesus Chrysler!’
What is a car’s favourite fashion accessory?
A clutch bag.
What did the teacher say when he could not get into his car?
‘Oh no, I have lost my Kias!’
I rode my bike so much, I had to put a new set of wheels on it. I was about to put a third set on it, but the old bike didn’t work anymore. which is understandable. The bike was already retired.
did you hear the one about the sheep in car wreck?
it was baaad.
Why was the bus driver so confused? He was 'bus-t' in traffic!
How did cars protect themselves during the medieval age?
They would dig an M.O.T. around them.
How does a flower propel a bicycle?
It petals!
What do you call a row of 5 tow trucks?
A foot.
BREAKING NEWS: Vietnam accidentally sank its own submarine killing all 350 on board
Whoops, wrong sub.