After a tiring day at work, my wife drew me a relaxing bath. It wasn't very smart of me to ask if it was going to be in color or a sketch.
Q. What is a mime's favorite time of the day?
A. Dusk, because all the colors are muted.
My buddy was cast in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, but he was still angry because he wasn't Happy.
I was watching a movie when the screen started to emit blue light. Guess this is one of the cons of watching movies on Blue Ray.
The green light at the road signal looked at the red light and said, "Don't look while I am changing".
When the theatre owner dies, his visitation hours are as follows: 1pm, 3pm, 6:30 pm, 9pm, and midnight.
Our backstage manager is leaving at the end of the year. He has been an outstanding member of our theatre team.
Props to him.
My favorite denim blue jeans just turned brown. I think I will have to call it Dung-arees!
The painter wanted to feel the texture, so he buttered his toast with his fingers.
Coming to theaters: the thrilling tale of a man who ate biographical books instead of turkey on Thanksgiving.
Baste on a true story.
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
Don't theater jokes always seem so staged?
Having been thrown out of cartoon art school, he was in suspended animation.
Show your popcorn and coke guy at the movies a little appreciation. After all, he makes a lot of concessions.
Great news! I'm a movie director now! I gave stellar directions to a very lovely family on their way to the theatre.
What was the artist's favorite swimming stroke? The brushstroke.
It's weird being colorblind in an art gallery. Everything's a pigment of the imagination.
Never date a Theater person...
... wayyy too much Drama...
The color turquoise was judged as the best new color because it was cyantifically proven to be.
Why did the artist go to the lounge? Because it was her comfort tone.
The artist thought she was all that and pen some.
I told the artist that his painting was terrible. I think he got the picture.
When the well-read bird decided to open a restaurant, he named it Red Robin.
Once I tried to paint the sky but I blue it.
Why can you never trust an artist? Because they are a bit sketchy, a little shady and will always try to frame you.
The favorite colors of fishes are deep blue and aquamarine blue.
The ghost scared all the boys who ventured into the haunted house and then varnished into the almirah!
I keep looking at our upstage platform that is designed with only a ladder for access. It's just so hard not to stair.
My theater group is writing a sci-fi thriller about classical musicians.
I'll be Bach.
What's a lion's favorite color?
I was surprised that although I was supposed to be feeling blue, my heart was not that heavy. Perhaps, I am feeling light blue.
Who do you call a pig who can paint like a great artist? Pablo PIGcaso.
An actor I know fell through the floor recently. It's just a stage he was going through.
My grandfather warned people that the Titanic would sink
*No one listened, but he kept on warning them nonetheless until they got sick of him and kicked him out of the movie theatre*
I went to an art gallery and noticed that all the info was also available in braille.
Nice touch.
Which barnyard animal is a famous painter?
Vincent Van Goat
Where do vampires go to buy their art supplies? Pencilvania.
What's brown and sticky? A stick.
What was Moses' favorite color?
Red, see?
Q: How do Japanese artists bid farewell?
A: Cyan-Nara!
What did the art teacher say to the aspiring actress? You sure look the art.
Did you hear about the color bomb?
Yeah it blue up.
My dad and I saw this girl with a colorful backpack covered in pot leaves
He turned to me and said "thats a dope backpack". He is catching onto my slang.
A classically trainer theater performer just became a spy.
I guess you could say they perform... thespionage
Do black and white count as colors?
It's a gray area.
Building a good makeup design always starts with a good foundation.
I wonder why theatres are so sad? They're always dark, moody, and in tiers.
Why did the origami artist win her court case? She was great at doing the paperwork.
Julius Caesar ordered pizza for the senate at Theatre of Pompey
Casca: How could you not order enough pizza for everyone?
Julius: But there was enough for everybody to have a slice...
Brutus: I ate 2 slices.
I wasn't expecting to be diagnosed as colour blind.
It really came out of the purple.