Thankfully, not too many thieves are interested in acting on stage. They'd surely steal the show.
TV news anchors love the shades of red. They get serious whenever there is Burgundy.
A pig and a horse walk into a movie theater.
The horse didn't feel like buying popcorn so he brought some hay. A theater employee saw him and said. "Are you sneaking outside food into the theater?"
The horse said "nay."
The pig squealed.
What do zombies use to color their hair?
Dye of the dead!
What was Moses' favorite color?
Red, see?
What does an artist call his sketch pad? A house.
My Asian neighbor owns a T-shirt company where he colors white shirts. I think it's a Thai Dye T-shirt company.
The snow leopard appeared just at the time our guide predicted it. It appeared white on time!
One should never mix oranges in apple juice. Well, perhaps you may do it once in a blue moon.
Everyone was spot on, you really did make a great theatre lighting tech.
Dark-colored huskies found in Colorado can also be termed as dusky huskies!
Why do thespians have great hair? They want the perfect part.
Why did the girl decide to become an art dealer? Because she wanted more Monet.
While building a house, the architect took his fingers and dipped them in a jar of blue ink. He wanted to get the blueprints!
They say that she only paints night scenes. Other artists really pale by comparison.
Q: What did the artist say to the dentist?-
A: Matisse hurt
The only thing that is black and white and has to be red all over is a newspaper.
Q: Why did the purple family have to move out?
A: They were plum too loud, excessively violet with one another, and were fuschiatives of the law.
I just got fired from my theatre job. I guess I should've made a bigger scene about it.
What do you call an artist without a palette? Someone who makes paintings without taste.
Our backstage manager is leaving at the end of the year. He has been an outstanding member of our theatre team.
Props to him.
What is the definition of art theft? A: The haul of frames.
What did the arirst say to his friend who was stressed? Don't worry, paintbrush it off.
Julius Caesar ordered pizza for the senate at Theatre of Pompey
Casca: How could you not order enough pizza for everyone?
Julius: But there was enough for everybody to have a slice...
Brutus: I ate 2 slices.
Though my brother won the art competition, he went up to his rival and gave him the credit where it was hue!
Elephant boxing matches are very difficult to watch. It becomes tough to identify as both have grey trunks!
An actor arrived for his rehearsal at the theatre.
As he looked around, an incredible feeling of deja vu swept over him.
Suddenly he realised the set seemed like a weird adaption of his apartment, the actress looked like an odd version of his wife, and the director sounded like an eerie rendition of his dad.
"Uncanny!" He thought. "I've arrived at a strange stage of my life".
Building a good makeup design always starts with a good foundation.
Why does everyone paint Easter Eggs? Because it is a lot easier than wallpapering them.
After completing the deadline just in the nick of time, the artist breathed a cyan of relief.
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
My grandfather warned people that the Titanic would sink
*No one listened, but he kept on warning them nonetheless until they got sick of him and kicked him out of the movie theatre*
Dreaming in color is the artist's pigment of imagination.
My friend impresses girls by drawing realistic pictures of trucks. He's a pickup artist!
Where do vampires go to buy their art supplies? Pencilvania.
Where does a cow hang his best paintings? In a moo-seum, of course.
Never date a Theater person...
... wayyy too much Drama...
I had a job directing an elementary school theater production.
It wasn't hard work, after all, it was child's play.
If art became imprisoned we'd have to Freda art.
Did you hear about the artist that has been drawing very small, colorful noodles?
He drew an itsy, bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow, polka dot linguini.
Aliens hate playing golf in space as there are too many black holes!
What did the art teacher say to the aspiring actress? You sure look the art.
After checking my poor results, the art teacher shouted, "Never in a vermilion years have I seen such poor grades"!
What is the result of an art competition? A draw.
Wind turbine mechanics and engineers are very fond of the blew color!
I went to an art gallery and noticed that all the info was also available in braille.
Nice touch.
The favorite colors of fishes are deep blue and aquamarine blue.
What do you call a crimson-colored fish wearing a hat?
A red herring...
Why did the origami artist win her court case? She was great at doing the paperwork.
I keep looking at our upstage platform that is designed with only a ladder for access. It's just so hard not to stair.