Worm Puns

Have you wormed your way to our Worm Puns section at last? We've been squirming with anticipation...

Worm Puns

What’s the difference between a worm and pumpkin?
Have you ever tried worm pie?
How do you make a glow worm happy?
Cut off his tail, he’ll be de-lighted!
What makes a glow worm glow?
A light meal!
Why do worms have trouble getting up in the morning? Because the early bird catches the worm.
What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global Worming.
What do you call two worms in love?
How do you know you have a tape worm?
It’s comming out of your belly!
What did the worm say to his friend when he got stuck in pumpkin?
Worm your way out of that one!