Dinosaur Puns

They may be ancient but they still pack a punchline - Welcome to Dinosaur Puns!

Dinosaur Puns

What do you call it when a dinosaur gets in a car accident? Tyrannasaurus wreck!
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur A lickalotopis
What do you call a Stegosaurus with carrots in its ears? Anything you want, it can't hear you!
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom? Because the 'p' is silent
What family does Maiasaur belong to? I don't think any families in our neighborhood have one!
What do you call a dinosaur who is elected to Congress? Rep. Tile!
How do you know if there is a Brachiosaurus in bed with you? By the dinosnores.
What do dinosaurs have that no other animals have? Baby Dinosaurs.
What did dinosaurs have that no others animals ever had? Baby dinosaurs!
Can you name 10 dinosaurs in 10 seconds? Yes, 8 Iguanadons and 2 Stegasaurus.
Why did the T-Rex get a ticket? He ran through the stomp sign.
What do dinosaurs put on their pizza? Tomato-saurus
What is a dog’s favorite movie about dinosaurs?
Jurassic Bark.
What do you need to know to teach a dinosaur tricks? More than the dinosaur.
What was the most flexible dinosaur? Tyrannosaurus Flex.
Which type of dinosaur could jump higher than a house ? Any kind! A house cannot jump!
What did the female dinosaur call her blouse making business? Try Sara's Tops
What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch? Strawberry jam.
What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus.
What kind of dinosaur can you ride in a rodeo? A Bronco-saurus!
Why don't dinosaurs ever forget? Because no one ever tells them anything!
What do you get when you cross a Dinosaur and TNT? Dino-mite.
What's as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing? Her shadow!
How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch? Tea Rex?
What do you call a dinosaur that left its armor out in the rain ? A Stegosau-rust.
Which dinosaur slept all day ? The dino-snore!
What do you call a dinosaur that eats fireworks? A dino-mite
What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? A Diplodocus with a sore throat!
What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? Doyouthinkhesawus
Who makes dinosaur clothes? dino-sewer.
What do you call a dinosaur that eats it's vegetables? A.brocileasoarus
What do your call a dinosaur with one eye? Eye-saur.
What's green and hangs from trees? Dinosaur snot.
Why do dinosaurs eat their food raw? Cause they don't know how to cook
What has a spiked tail, plates on its back, and sixteen wheels? A Stegosaurus on roller skates!
Where does a Tyrannosaurus sit when he comes to stay? Anywhere he wants to.
What made the dinosaur's car stop ? A flat Tire-annosaurus
What do you call a dinosaur at the rodeo? Bronco-saurus or a Tyrannasourus Tex
Did the dinosaur take a bath ? Why, is there one missing?
What does a giant Tyrannosaurus eat? Anything she wants!
What do you call a dinosaur with a foul mouth? Bronto-swore-us.
What made the dinosaur's car stop ? A flat Tire-annosaurus!
How do you make a dinosaur float? Put a scoop of ice cream in a glass of root beer, and add one dinosaur.
Why do dinosaurs eat raw meat? Because they don't know how to cook.
How can you tell if there is a dinosaur in bed with you? By the `D' on his pajamas.
What did the dinosaur say when he saw the volcano explode? What a lavaly day!
Is it true that a dinosaur won't attack if you hold a tree branch? That depends on how fast you carry it!
What do you call a Blind Dinosaur's Dog? Do-ya-think-he-saurus-rex.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road ? The chicken hadn't evolved yet!
What does a Triceratops sit on? Its Tricera-bottom.