What did the deer say to her daughter?
“Soon you’ll be all doe-n up!”
What do deer always use to clean their homes?
What do you call an eyeless deer?
Where do deer get all of their coffee?
Q. What did the witch get when she crossed a doe with a tornado?
A. A whirling deer-vish.
Q. What can a buck take after a night of drinking at a stag party?
A. Elk-a-seltzer.
Q. What did the mother doe name her new twin babies?
A. Bam B and Bam A.
What is the name of Santa’s rudest deer?
Q. What's on display at the Canadian Moose Museum?
A. Mod deer 'n art.
What does the father deer say to the mother deer to show his love?
“I love you deerly!”
Q. Which kind of deer has a serious drinking problem?
A. The elk-oholic.
Q. Which deer was a fascist dictator?
A. Moose Al Ini.
Q. How do does and fawns fly from place to place?
A. In a deer-igible
What did the deer say after she saw her Amazon bill?
“I spent too much doe!”
What did the baby deer say to his friend?
“I’m so fawn-d of you!”
What did the reindeer dad tell his son?
Deer to be different!
Q. What do you get if you cross a devilish deer with an evil cougar?
A. A hell cat.
Q. What do you get when you cross a doe with a bull?
A. A deery cow.
What do you call a deer wearing an explosive vest?
What’s a deer’s favorite place to get ice cream?
Deery Queen.
When we cross a deer and a mouse, what would we get?
“Mickey Moose!”
How does a deer know what day of the week it is?
It looks at its calen-deer.
What do you think of puns about deer?
“I’m very fawn’d of them myself.”
What should you give a deer when it gets stomachache?
What’s a buck’s least favorite sandwich bread?
Sour doe.
What was the motto of the unique deer? Deer to be different!
What did the deer say after he finished eating?
“That was deer-licious!”
What did the large baby deer say when he met his favorite celebrity?
“I’m a big fawn!”
What did the deer say to his funny friend? You’re deer-larious!
What do deer doctors specialise in? Hart surgery!
Q. Which sweet dessert is banned from the menu at the Deer Cafe?
A. Chocolate Moose.
Q. How do you start a letter written to Sears Roebuck?
A. Deer Sirs..
Q. What do you get if you cross a deer with an Aussie Joey?
A. A buck-er-roo.
Q. What did they serve with nacho cheese at stag parties?
A. Deer-itos.
What do we call a deer that wears a mask and refuses to tell its name?
“Anony – moose.”
What does a deer do when it gets to its friend’s house?
Rings the deer bell.
What is the difference between a deer nut and a beer nut?
“A beer nut is often more than a buck but a deer nut is always under a buck.”
What do teenage deer do at slumber parties?
Truth or deer.
What did the deer write in his journal every day? Deer diary.
Why did the deer get braces?
He had buck teeth.
Q. What does a doe say When something very unexpected happens?
A. Oh, Deer God!
What is the deer’s favorite food group?
“Deer-y products!”
What is a deer’s favorite place to get breakfast?
Dunkin’ Doe-nuts!
What is a baker’s favorite type of icing?
What do you call a deer with hooves in his ears?
Anything you want — he can’t hear you.
What did Homer Simpson say when he saw a female deer?
Why was the deer a good driver? He was great at using the deering wheel!
What is a deer’s favorite after-school snack?
How do you give a deer a compliment?
“Fawn over him!”
Q. Which square dancing step do stags enjoy most?
A. The Doe-si-Does.