What do you call a group of crows eating a box of corn flakes?
A cereal murder.
The scare crow was out standing in his field, so he got awarded as the best employee of the year.
What is a bunch of crows gathering money called? Crow funding.
Wondering what crows wear during Halloween, well, they wear caw-stumes.
The flock of crows that were sprayed with sewage was a true definition of murder most foul.
For waterproofing their nests, crows buy caw-king.
I heard some crows communicating after one of their own was injured.
They were caws for concern.
What do you call a group of crows flying over a couple?
A murder over love.
What do you call a group of politically similar crows?
A cawcus
Don't give up at this stage, just keep cawing on, you will do great.
How do the crows in Texas greet each other?
The police hung up the phone call when I informed them about a murder in my front yard. They said they could not do anything regarding the crows.
Sometimes we eat a crow while other times we eat Croatia.
The guy nearly saw a murder when he almost ran over his car over a couple of crows.
Crows organized a cawnfrences, to discuss the upcoming project.
What did the crow said when it saw a car coming? Cawr.
One of my friends who hates crows, looked at a flock of crows, I saw murder in his eyes.
Why was the crow so angry after his stand up comedy gig? The venue paid him in coffee instead of caw fee.
What is the name of the final exam you take when studying bird law? The crow bar.
What do birds like to put in their soup? Crow-tons.
What happened to the pig who ate too fast? They got a ticket for running a Slop Sign.
What do crows drink in order to stay awake? They drink cawfee.
I use a crow to wake me up in the morning.
There’s caws for alarm.
What do you call a group of dyslexic crows?
A redrum.
A group of crows placed evenly between two margins is definitely a justified murder.
The baby crow decided to dress up as his favorite vegetable on Halloween, he dressed up as a caw-liflower.
What do you call a stoned, dyslexic crow?
A hybrid
The group of crows that attacked the lady was accused of murder, the cawps are still looking for the probable caws.
Crows have 16 feather pinions and ravens have 17 pinions. It's just a matter of a pinion.
A crow invited his buddies over to hang out but they didn’t show up.
He was charged with attempted murder.
What does a chocolate crow say? “Cacao!”
My Chinese neighbour said he's just opened a crows shop.
Speaking slowly, I said "you mean a *clothes* shop?"
He says, "No, a crows shop - come in and have a rook."
That raven is so stubborn at times, he just needs to crow up.
A crow was arrested under suspicion of murder. The case was closed, as the judge said he had just caws.
What do you call two crows flying together?
An attempted murder
A group of crows is usually called a 'murder.' Technically, it's only a manslaughter unless there is probable caws.
I thought of premeditated murder and a flash mob of crows came to my mind.
Why did the junkie adopt a one legged crow?
So he could get crow cane from his vet.
I would rather breed mice than crows
Mischief is one thing, but I don't think I can pull off a murder.
Did you hear about the guy who killed a group of catholic crows?
It was Mass murder
What would a crow wear to the Halloween party? A crown!
It is said that crows and owls are in caw-hoots.
Where do crows type? Crows type on cawmputers.
Crows prefer carrion, so their bags are never checked at the airport.
How does an antisocial crow say about a family party? "It was murder".
Why was the crow upset about his job? The HR fired the crow with no caws.
He has some good puns on crows, but he doesn’t have to keep crowing about it.
What do you call a white crow?
A caw-casian.
A crow’s favorite nutty dessert is Pecawn Pie.
What did the irritated crow said to his fried?
I won't talk to you if you don’t stop ravening.