Why doesn't Mrs. Clause like to go outside in spring?
Because of all the rain, dear.
What do you call it when you get mugged on the vernal equinox?
The first robbin’ of spring!
Which month can’t make a decision?
Which monster plays the most April Fool’s jokes?
What do you call an emergency in the spring?
May day.
What can you find in the middle of April and March but not at the beginning or end of either?
The letter R!
What do you say when you are happy with how life has been weeks before Easter? It’s so far been an egg-cellent spring.
Should you plant flowers in any month besides April?
May as well!
Spring is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf.
Does anything come after April A?
May B!
What did God say to the polar bears when they told him they hate spring and summer?
Well, they can't all be winters.
My wife came home with a bunch of spring flowers and asked where I'd like her to put them.
I said, " I'll tell you where you can plant your tulips."
I hate spring cleaning.
Darn things bounce all over the place.
When do monkeys fall from the sky?
During APE-ril showers.
What did summer say to spring?
Help – I’m about to fall!
How do you tell someone winter is over?
You spring it on them!
What’s the freshest herb you can find in April?
What did the tree say to spring?
What a re-leaf!