If you can think of a better fish pun than me
Then let minnow.
What a pun's dream job?
To be an acu-pun-cturist!
What's a pun's favorite love song?
"My Punny Valentine!"
Some say that puns aren't very funny, while others take them very seriously...
I guess the one thing we can all agree on is that puns are no joke.
What did the pun say to his annoying colleague?
You're being pun-reasonable right now!
Why was the pun a bad comedian?
He never got the pun-chline right!
Boss: "How good are you at PowerPoint?"
Me: "I Excel at it."
Boss: "Was that a Microsoft Office pun?"
Me: "Word."
Why did the pun fail his English class?
He didn't use proper pun-ctuation!
I've already heard seven cancer puns today.
If I hear tumor it's gonna benign.
What do you call a broken can opener?
A can't opener
What happened when the pun misbehaved in school?
He was pun-alized with detention!
Did you expect to laugh at puns?
No, but they've groan on me!
Why did the two puns go to camp together?
They wanted to be pun-kmates!
There’s a room with two tables and ten people. One table has soup, and the other table has a punch bowl. All ten people are lined up at the soup table.
Now’s when you ask: where’s the punchline?
Why do thieves have a hard time understanding puns?
Because they take things literally!
What's a pun's best trait?
His pun-ctuality!
WOOD you tell give some wood puns?
What's a pun's favorite movie?
It's a Punderful Life!
What did the pun mom say to the new pun dad?
We have a pun in the oven!
Puns make me numb, but math puns make me...
How do knights communicate?
They use chain mail.
What type of apartment does a pun live in?
The pun-thouse!
How would you describe a pun about a pun?
They're pun-ishingly bad!
How were these puns about puns?
They were pun-questionably pun-fortunate!
Have you ever tried to write your own puns?
It's a fairly difficult pun-dertaking!
What did they use to set off the amazon warehouse fire?
Amazon kindle.